Chapter 25

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• Funeral Day •

"Ready?" My mother asked. I nodded and grabbed my purse.

We arrived at the funeral home, standing before my grandma.

Me and my mother both tried to stay strong the whole day, as more family members shown up we continue to keep a smile on our faces.

Ha-ru played with the other kids while all the adult sat and ate. My mother joined them, I stayed in front of my grandma just staring at her picture in disbelief.

"ITS BTS!!" Someone shouted. My whole body turns as the boys walked into the room.

I met eyes with Taehyung, my whole body went at ease. At this moment I didn't care about my family.

I ran into Taehyung arms "Why did you come?" I said as I pushed him face closer into his chest

"You need someone to be here for you. You shouldn't be alone"

I hugged all the other members. "WWH is here to lighten your mood" Jin laughed.

"I'm glad he is" I hugged Jin

"TAE!!" Ha-ru shouted, running into his arms. Even my mother hugged Taehyung.

Soon enough all the fans from my family started to surround them and ask for pictures. Of course they agreed.

"You got so big" Taehyung said to Ha-ru as we sat at a table in the back.


"Thank you guys for coming, it really means a lot" I said to them.

"Come with us after, I know you could use more cheering up" Jimin said. "Drinks?" I smiled.

He reached his hand out for a high five "You understand me." He smiled.

I connected our hands "You get me" I smiled back.

"Didn't you guys have an interview today?"

They all looked at me with big eye "You know our schedule?" Taehyung asked.

"Oh, Hyun Soo told me." I smiled "The one who almost killed you?" Namjoon added.

I nodded before shoving my face with food "What? That's who he is? You're dating the guy who tried to kill you?"

My eyes went to Taehyung who looked offended "Dating? No, No. we just became close friends I guess."

"Friends? He just stood there while you were crying."

I can't even be mad at Taehyung because he's right. Friend or boyfriend he should have been the one who comforted me that day, not Taehyung.


"Mom, I'm leaving." I grabbed my things and followed  BTS to their car.

We drove to my place first so I could change Into something more comfortable. We went to the BTS house.

"I'll grab the drinks!!" Jimin shouted. He quickly ran into the kitchen and grabbed everything he could.

They had Yoongi cooking the meat while the other boys helped with whatever they could.

Taehyung stayed beside me, holding onto me tight. No matter what he would stay right beside me unless I forced him to let go of me.

"Y/n, help me bring out the drinks" Jimin said. I nodded and got up, Taehyung getting up with me "I'll stay in your eye sight" I teased.

He instantly let go and I helped Jimin. "So... are you back for good?" Jimin smiled as he handed me the drinks.

"I don't understand what you mean"

He closed the fridge and just looked at me "Come on, you always leave us. It's boring without you."

I let out a slight laugh and grabbed the drinks, following him outside "Its not that I leave, I just no longer feel comfortable being around. You guys aren't my friends, you're Taehyung. I feel like I can't be around you guys unless I'm with Taehyung."

"Y/n... come on! You know that's not true. We are your friends too. You just met us through Taehyung."

He's right, I met them through Taehyung but that doesn't mean I have to be with Taehyung to be friends with them.

"Come on, Taehyungs probably freaking out about where you are" he laughed.

I followed him back inside, Taehyung wasn't still on the couch where I left him. Was he worried about me that much?

"Ugh, She's so annoying. Sohyun wants me to meet with her. Think Y/n would be okay here?" I heard Taehyung said, not knowing I'm right behind him.

I looked at Jimin who looked just as confused and shocked as I did "She should be fine. We'll say that you went to get more drinks or something." Yoongi said.

My blood was boiling. My grandmother just did and he's going to meet some girl? After me finally letting him back in, letting him take care of him. I'm fucking done with this bullshit.

"You have got to be kidding me" I said Angrily. Taehyung turned around to see me and Jimin


"Y/n... it's not what you-" before he could finish I threw a pillow at him. The boys all moved out the way of me and Taehyung

"Please just hear me out" he whined as I threw whatever I could at him "MY GRANDMA JUST DIED. YOU SHOULD KNOW HOW THAT FEELS. WHAT PAIN IM EXPERIENCING."

He stayed silent "Speechless?" He put his head down, sulking.

"God Taehyung! HOW HARD IS IT FOR YOU TO REALIZE I LIKE YOU? IT HURTS SEEING YOU WITH ANOTHER GIRL, JUST TALKING ABOUT ONE. Out of everyone I need you right now. Not your friends, you."

He rose his head "Y/n, let me explain please."

"No, I'm done being the girl who is chasing after you. I knew I shouldn't have keep letting you in. Just leave me alone. You won't be seeing me after this."

I grabbed all my things and left. I didn't care I had no car, I walked.

Tears fell one after another, constantly. Not about my grandma. About Taehyung.

I finally realized my feelings for him and went for them. I let him in, only for him to hurt me the same day.


Once Y/n left all the guys stood there looking at me.

"Damn, you really messed up this time." Jimin said.

I continue to just look down, taking in what just happened. "Just let her go tae. She doesn't belong in our world." Yoongi said as he went back to cooking the meat.

"Guess we won't be needed all of these" Jimin put some cases of Soju back in the fridge.

That's it? It's over? I won't see her again, this time seeing her leave was the worst. The way she grabbed her things and put on her shoes, marching out the door. It seemed like the last time.

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