Chapter 9

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< Permission to Dance >• Kim Taehyung •Chapter 9———————————————————————

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< Permission to Dance >
• Kim Taehyung •
Chapter 9

"Just move your hands like this" Taehyung said as showing me the dance."Perfect" he smiled at me

He put on the music and we did the dance. "You're actually a good dancer" he said

I just laugh "I use to dance when I was a kid, but I stopped because it got boring"

"Boring? Dance is never boring" he smirked.

"Hey, Thank you for teaching me. You really didn't have too do all this" I said.

Taehyung nods "It's no big deal. I wanted to. I like spending time with you."

"I think I'll head out first." I grabbed my bag from the chair beside the door "Um, Bye Mr Kim"

Day 1 of the shoot!!

Today I am just the staff. My brother isn't needed until tomorrow. That's when we are filming everything.

My mother was beyond thrilled to find out her son is going to be in a MV for an idol. Not just any idol, BTS. The biggest Kpop group.

"Y/n? We're not shooting your part until tomorrow" Namjoon said.

I laughed "I know that. I'm still apart of the staff. I can't just slack off."

He nodded "Forgot you were staff for a minute"

Day 2 of shooting

I had to pick up Ha-ru before heading to work. "SISSY WORK?" He shouted from the back

"Yes. My work" He started clapping with a big smile on his face "now you better behave or you can't come to Sissy work again, okay?"


We arrived on set "Sissy, it's hot" Ha-ru started to complain. I looked around but there wasn't anything to cool him down with.

"I'm sorry bub, how about-" suddenly a fan blows on Ha-ru.I look over and see Taehyung holding his fan to Ha-ru to cool him off. A smile started to form but I quickly hid it

"Thank you"

"Let's get you ready, huh?" A lady grabbed me dragging me to the back "Wear this"

I did as she said and put on the all white outfit. Gosh, do they want us to burn in this heat? I changed as fast as I could so I could get back to Ha-ru who was probably driving everyone crazy.

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