Chapter 14

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< Worlds Collide >• Kim Taehyung •Chapter 14——————————————————————————

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< Worlds Collide >
• Kim Taehyung •
Chapter 14

I woke up to the sun beaming directly on my face. "Oh god" I said holding my head.

Taehyung had his arms wrapped around my hips, his head laying on my bare chest.

My phone went off making me redirect my attention. I reached to the side table and saw a message from someone named Kai.

*Video sent

I wanna eat you out like that

My heart sank. I pressed on the video and saw Taehyung eating me out, my legs shaking over his shoulder. Both my hands grasping his hair begging him to stop.

"Enjoy the video?" Taehyung lifted his head laying soft kisses on my chest

"Why did you let me send this?" I turned my phone for him to see.

"I don't like other people messaging you" Taehyung started lifting his body to level with mine, his mouth attached to my nipple "You're mine"

He lightly pulled off my underwear. I leaned my head back and prepared for him to enter.

"Y-You don't have a right to be jealous" I said with heavy breaths "I'm not just yours"

Taehyung paused and held my body up to him and slammed in.

"You think any of them" A force inside me, his hand gripping around my neck "Can fuck you like this?"

He pushed harder and harder, I grasped the headboard while my legs rested on his shoulder and my back arched.

My mouth wide open as every thrust was more intense and forceful than the last

"Your pussy is mine" Taehyung pushed my legs down and connected his face to my neck.


After we finished Taehyung got dressed and went downstairs to start making breakfast.

I got up and got into the shower. When I finished I put on one of Taehyungs shirts with his boxers.

"Taehyung?" I shout from the bathroom mirror "What time is it?"

"Noon. Hurry your foods gonna get cold"

I tilt my head out the bedroom door "It's noon? I gotta get going"

Taehyung eyes widened "Why?" He pouted

"It's not like I live here. I mean-"

He gets up "Move in then, I don't like it when you leave"

I was in shock. Move in? Like live here? Even if I wanted to I wouldn't live here without paying any bills but god, the water bill alone is probably a thousand dollars.

"I-I can't live here, I mean that's just insane" I said

Taehyung just laughed "Get dressed. We can move you in today."

Is he ignoring what I just said? "I'm not just gonna live here for free." I spoke up

He laughed again "The company pays for everything. I live here for free."

I got dressed into my clothes. Thankfully Taehyung washed them while I was in the shower so they don't smell. We went into the living room to see Jimin just waking up.

"Ah, Y/n!" He said covering his body. "Why-Why is she still here???"

"She's moving in." Tae smirked. "Now Leave."

Taehyung handed me a mask and hat so we won't be spotted.


Once we arrive at my house we go inside and he goes straight to my bedroom, folding my blankets and starts putting them into the car

"Taehyung! This- I can't move in with you!" I said fast.

He ignored me and kept doing it. I stepped in front of him making him stop walking

"Why can't you move in?" He asked

"Why can I? You're a idol. I'm a staff member. You have famous friends and everything, I would only intrude" I spoke truthfully.

He chuckled and kissed my forehead "You're moving in. Now pack." He demanded.

I just rolled my eyes and did as he said. We loaded my clothes up first then my make up, the important things.

"Anything in here?" He said reaching for my side drawer.

I tried to stop him but he opened it before I got to him. He looked at me in shock

"What is this?" He smirked, pulling out handcuffs, Vibrator, Body oil, All of my sex stuff.

"Taehyung!" I said grabbing it and putting it back in the drawer "that drawer is not important"

He moved my hand and pulled it back out "Oh but this is very important. Pack it" he said handing me a box

"But, Why?" I said confused

"You can find out later"

He doesn't plan on using these on me... Right? I mean that would just me completely insane... insanely hot.

He already fucks me good enough if he were to use these on me I would cry from the pain.

"God you have a lot of stuff" he said packing the last few things

"You're the one who demanded I lived with you."

He smiled again "I'm glad I did. Now I the person I wanna fuck is right next door."

So this means he won't have other girls over, Right? That's kinda another reason why I didn't wanna move in, I'm sure I'm not the only one he's been messing around with.

I don't wanna come 'home' to see him and some random girl making out or hear moans coming from his room.

That would put me in a uncomfortable situation. Let alone piss me off. My body is already crazy for him, I know my heart will be to and I don't wanna get heart broken.

I'm to young to have my first Heart Break, and especially to have it by Kim Taehyung? That's just not real. It won't be real.

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