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Dan's POV

It was my first day back at London Royal Collage, I had just left my last class due to bad grades and bullying. My teachers decided to move me to form B12 and move all my classes, which was annoying for me because I have to learn my whole timetable again!

It was 10:05 and I pushed open the door to my first lesson, I missed form because I needed to get my timetable. I looked around the room, a mixture of jocks and cheerleaders at the back and the geeks and nerds at the front. But there was one boy out of place, he was right at the back, next to a panel of windows, he had black hair cut in the same style as mine but on the other side. His skin looked ghostly pale and his face wore no smile. I could already relate to him!

"Daniel! Everybody welcome our new student Daniel." Miss Hamilton exclaimed, great. I was hoping to go unnoticed!

"Its Dan" I muttered

"Well then Dan would you like to take a set next to Philip over there?" She asked and the cute boy lifted his head as she motioned to him.

"Aww look queers gotta friend!" I rowdy boy yelled from the back. I walked over to Philip and gave him a quick hello that he shyly returned

"So today we are going to do a get to know you! So everyone partner up, and we'll get going." Miss said

"C-can I um work with you-u?" Philip shyly asked

"Of course, can I call you Phil?" I asked

"Yeah, I don't like being called Philip, but people normally just address me as emo fag or queer." He replied quickly

"Ok Phil, I'm not like them by the way, I was moved because of the same things as you so were on the same page! Ok let me start by asking you a question. What's your favourite band?" I questioned

"That's got to be Muse! I love Muse!" I was already in love with him omfg!

"No way! Me too omfg!" I excitedly replied

"Ok then my turn to ask you a question!" He is becoming less shy now! "Do you play video games and if yes, what's your favourite video game?" I am totally falling for this guy!

"Yes OMG! Um that'll be sonic and crash bandicoot!"

"No way! SAME!!!!" I know now that I want Phil to be my best friend!

A/N so instead of making really short chapters I'm actually going to make longer chapters less often! Love you all my little phanberries

10:05 ~ Phan Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now