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Sorry for not writing recently, I really don't have an excuse other than the fact I've been watching too many fall out boy and phan videos :3

Anywho here is the long awaited chapter seven :3'

Phil's POV

We turned a corner and arrived at my house, I felt tired all of a sudden. Like I had been awake for 3 years and the tiredness had just hit me.

"Dan oh my god, I'm so tired" I managed to get out before slumping onto his shoulder.

"Hang in there Philly, only a few more steps now and we'll be in there!" Dan encouraged me, I released my grip on his shoulder to unlock the door, "ok would you like to go and lie down and have a rest on the sofa while I make you and myself a coffee?" Dan asked me, trying to make it so my tired head could understand.

"Yes please Danny." And with that I fell onto the sofa and the blackness took over my body.


My eyes flickered open to see a blurry Dan on the other side of the room, I grabbed my glasses from next to me and everything became clear again.

"Oh Phil you're awake! I made you coffee but it went cold. I'll make you another!" Dan yawned

"No don't worry Dan, what are you watching on TV?" I asked, walkjng across the room to the sofa that Dan was sat on and leaning against him.

"Pokémon, is that ok?" I nodded my head, thinking back to the times where me and Martin would watch Pokémon in the mornings, but he moved out and now it's just me.

"You ok Phil? How are is your head?" Dan asked obviously worried about me.

"I am ok, just remembering the times me and my brother Martin would watch Pokémon together in the mornings, he moved out when I was thirteen though, and yeah, I'm feeling much better." Dan awed and snuggled up to me. I really love this boy, I don't think he would have feelings for me though, I'm just ugly fat Phil, nothing special there.


"Hey Dan do you want to play sonic?" I was getting bored of team rocket popping up at random moments and wanted to do something else.

"Yeah sure, do you want a coffee while you set up the Sega?"

"That would be splendid, darling!" I said in my most posh accent ever!

"Coming right up lad" Dan said in his most South London accent, we almost died of laughter!

A/N I think this is my longest chapter
Your wells
Anyway stay swaggy my little phanberries! :3

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