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Still Dan's POV

"Mr. D. Howell, and your lawyer Mr. Bellamy please could you give your statement." The court was quiet. Phil was holding my hand tightly and my lawyer Mr. M. Bellamy was reading out some of the things I had written down. The jury understood that I did not want to speak because I was too nervous so the judge was kind enough to let my lawyer speak.

I was in a black suit with a black shirt and a black tie where as Phil was wearing a black suit, a white shirt and a red tie.

It was very quiet and Mr. Bellamy's strong Cornwall accent took over the room.

"Thank you Mr. Bellamy, now Mr. D. Howell is there anything you would like to add?" The judge asked me. I promptly shook my head, as if I tried to speak it would just be a mumble of nerves.

"Okay, thank you, we will now make our decision and Mr. J. Howell will be taken back to the cell." The judge walked out of the room. My father was looking straight at me. His eyes were angry and had huge bags under them. To be quite honest orange was his colour so the prison uniform suited him, just kidding but I hope he stays in those rags for life!

"Its going to be okay Dan!" Phil gave me a hug, "I promise!"

"Hey lad." Mr. Bellamy turned around to face me, giving me a look at his whole face, and shit! "The (fallout) boys gave me a heads up about this, so I decided to do it!" MATT BELLAMY! All the alarm bells rang!

"Wait what?!" I was star struck, "How? What? Why?" I couldn't believe Matt Bellamy was stood in front of me and what more was just MY LAWYER!

"You must have been very nervous lately not to notice!" Matt laughed "those police men were Fall Out Boy!"

It hit me! I knew I had seen those faces before!

A/N this one is pretty short but idgaf! Yah :3 stay swaggy my little phanberries! :3:3:3

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