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I have been having lots of problems in my "friendship" group, so I want to get some anger out in this chapter.

Dan's POV

oh god did I just day that, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone, I mentally scolded myself,

"Oh my God Dan, I'm so sorry!" Phil launched at me into a hug. He mumbled something under his breath.

"What was that?" I asked Phil, he went red in the face,

"Oh um nothing," the side of his mouth perked up into a little smile, his eyes looked to his still bare arm, the small smile was abolished into a sad look. One I see too often when I look in the mirror.

"Hey philly its going to be ok!" He started crying into my shoulder, "um Phil I have um something to confess..."

"Yes Dan?" Phil asked me

"Oh actually don't worry." Its not the right time yet.

A/N this is really short, idk, but holy crap the Japan vlog was major ultra super kawaii! I literally crafted so much omf! Any who, stay kawaii my little phanberries

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