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Dan's POV

All I could feel was numb. I was paralysed. The only thing I could hear was buzzing and two voices that I could barely make out.

Just die already Dan! The world would be better off without you fatass

The voice was bullying me, telling me to die and that I would be better off dead, however the other voice was calm and sad.

I need you Dan, you're the first friend that has actually liked me for who I am and excepted me with all my flaws.

The voice was familiar, I racked my brain the try and think where I had heard it from. Then it hit me! Phil! It was Phil's voice, I need to wake up for Phil, he needs someone to be there for him. He needs support, someone to tell him he is worth it.

I was trying so hard to open my eyes, the light began to shine through. I tried to speak but all I could manage was a grunt. Slowly my eyes began to open and sat before me was Phil. He looked at me, his bright blue eyes shining in the hospital lighting,

"DAN?!" Phil yelled in happiness, he engulfed me with a hug, at first I could not hug back but as he squeezed tighter my limbs began to react to my brain's messages.

I coughed trying to get words out, but to no avail all I could manage was a strange gargle. Phil giggled at my attempt, I tried again this time succeeding.

"What happened?" The last thing I remember was walking up the steps to my father's house ready to get him locked up for good.

"Well, our plan didn't exactly go right. You're father repetitively stabbed you in the stomach with a very sharp broken bottle, you've been out cold for about a week!" Phil continued to hug me, he must've stayed here the whole time as he is wearing the same thing as he wore the day of the incident, his hair was greasy and he had some (very sexy) stubble on his lower jaw and neck!

"What about my fathe- I mean Mr. Howell?" I hope they got that bastard locked up!

"We got him! The police men who's names were Patrick and Andy, called the rest of their patrol Joe and Pete to help them detain Mr. Howell as he was being very violent and almost killed Andy!" Phil explained to me,

"Amazing! Do I have to see him in court? I presume I would as it is me who wants him to be locked up!" I never wanted to see that man again in my life but if it was to get him put away for good then I would love that.

"Unfortunately yes you do, but I'll be there with you and-" Phil was about to finish when Patrick and Andy walked in with two other men behind, I presumed they were Joe and Pete,

"Dan! You're awake!" Patrick rejoiced, his american accent was mellow and calming.

"I am indeed!"

A/N This is officially the longest chapter in my phanfic so far! I am so happy to have put FOB in this as I love them so much andddddd it's Patrick's birthday today so I thought it would be appropriate to do so now :3 I will try and keep them all the way through and they will be fall out boy but right now they are co-working as police! Speaking of co- things I have just started to co-write @hellomynameislexi 's Phan/ KicktheStickz fanfic, and by co-write I mean help her come up with ideas for it while she actually does the writing bit, any who stay swaggy my little phanberries, don't change for anyone :3:3:3

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