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Dan's POV

I was so happy, I had a BOYFRIEND!!! and even better than that.... IT WAS PHIL!!! I couldn't believe it, everything was perfect.

"I love you so much Philly" I nuzzled into his shoulder and held him tight with my arms, It was about ten at night and very dark outside. 

"I love you too Danny, should we start getting home? It's very late." I nodded not moving from the position I was in, I was cold so Phil grabbed me very tightly to warm me up, It began to rain so by the time we arrived at Phil's house we were both drenched.

"Dan." Phil sounded slightly worried, "My mum is home!" I never really knew much about Phil's mum but I guess it's time to meet her!

"Is she a homophobe?" I asked quietly

"I don't know, we've never really talked about sexuality, do you think she will be okay with you living here?" He sounded less worried now but still a bit anxious.

"I'm not sure Philly, I've never met her, lets just hope for the best!" I grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze, "let's go!"

Phil smiled at me and open the front door, He lead me through to the lounge where his mother was sitting. from a first look she was very pretty, she had a blonde/ brown bob and looked like the older more tanned, female version of Phil, so altogether very cool.

"Phil!" She stood up, her accent was quite northern, more than Phil's. "I didn't know where you were darling, I came home to surprise you but you weren't here!"

"Well I am now, how are you?" Phil hugged his mother

"I am very well thank you! The cruise I was working on took less time than I thought, and now who is this?" Phil's mum looked at me, curiously.

"This is Dan! He is my um- He is my, Boyfriend!" Phil stuttered, I grabbed his hand,

"AWH!!!!" Phil's mum squealed in happiness, "I am so happy for you darling, I secretly always wanted a gay son!" She hugged Phil tightly!

"I didn't know if you were homophobic, so it's safe to say I was pretty scared!" Phil confessed

"Well I am not, and I am very happy for you two! How long have you been together?" We looked at each other, and started giggling as we both realized that we had only been together for about an hour!

"About an hour!" Phil giggled

"Awh, cute! How long have you known each other?" Phil's mum was so lovely, she was really accepting and sweet!

"We met about two weeks ago, but we haven't exactly seen each other for two weeks!" I ought to tell Phil's mum about what happened, I just need to make sure Phil is okay with me telling her...

A/N OKAY! sorry bout that don't know what came over me lolzor, anywho :3 I quite like this chapter, and I dont know what Phil's mum's name is, so if anyone knows please tell me :D Stay swaggy my little phanberries xx

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