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Phil's POV

Dan is awesome! We like all the same things and we've just clicked! I think he is cute AF and as I don't swear that's saying something! 

"So Phil, is it true, I mean, are you gay?" Dan asked, I don't know if he would hate me is I told him the truth but why not, I'll be honest with him...

"Yes, I am gay." I was so nervous just waiting for him to laugh in my face, this happened before with Bradly, we were 'friends' but when I accidently came out he just slapped me and has been telling me to kill myself since!

"Awesome! Well now I know I can trust you, I'm gay too! But please don't tell anyone, this moving class thing is supposed to stop the bullying so yeah." Dan admitted! OMG my new crush is gay, but why would he fancy a freak like me? Anyway as he said he came to this class to stop being bullied so if he went out with me then he would just be asking for it!

"Cool!" Its all I could think of to say, 

"Hey Phil, do you want to come round my house today, and like play video games?" Dan asked very shyly

"Of course, and um Dan, can we be friends?" I needed to know if I had a friend, it would make me a smidge happier to know I could say I had one at the least!

"Awesome and yes! I think you are my best friend! You see I did'nt have any friends in my old class, everyone hated me, i'm the infamous 'Howell' thats written everywhere in the C block" Dan confessed

"Well Mr Howell, I am the infamous 'Lester' thats written everywhere in the boy's toilets and the W block!" It was funny that the two 'emo fags' were friends!

B-bring B-bring

"What's your next lesson Phil?" Dan asked 

"Art with Miss T, you?"

"Art with Miss T! You lead the way." This boy is adorable!

A/N Yay chapter 3 done! I'm enjoying writing this alot, the next few chapters will be getting abit deeper into Dan and Phil's lives but mainly Dan's because we already know alot about Phil, If you want to please comment and vote its all greatly appreciated! Stay classy my little phanberries, Wuv u xx

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