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Ok so I really like writing chapters on my laptop because it tells me when i've made a spelling mistake and also it gives me a counter of how many words i've done, which is helpful

Dan's POV

I was nervous to say the least, if this doesn't work I might get hurt and Phil might get hurt too!

"Ok Dan i'm going to call the police and tell them our plan, would you like to stay with me or would you like me to go into another room?" He asked sounding brave but I could tell that he was just as nervous as me.

"I'll stay with you Phil, the police might want to talk to me." I replied, I felt scared and emotionless, even though my father abuses me he is still my father, after this I wont have any family.

"Hello this is the emergency services. What is your emergency?" Phil put the phone on loudspeaker.

"Hello, this isn't an urgent emergency but we have a plan. You see my friend Dan here,"


"Is being abused at home, his mother died a few years ago and ever since he has been abused by his father." Phil tried to sound confident,

"Okay Dan, I presume that was you, and what is your name sir?" The woman on the phone asked

"I'm Phil."

"Okay Dan and Phil, what's your plan? We are happy to help."


There was a knock at the door so me and Phil went over to answer it.

"Hello, are you Dan and Phil?" two tall police men stood at our door, we both nodded, "We are at your service, where is Mr. Howell's house?"

"Follow me." I was shaking with nerves, Phil had a tight grip on my hand, we stepped out of the house and walked down a couple of streets. We were stood on the end of my road,

"Where would you like us to stand?" The blonde haired policeman asked, following the plan, thankfully

"Um I think here is okay, please look after Phil!" I giggled trying to lighten the mood and shove my nervousness off

"Okay lad, don't be nervous! If we hear anything we will come straight away, now pop this walky talky in your pocket so we can hear." The policeman with brown hair handed me one of his walky talkies and I put it in my back pocket.

"It's going to be fine Dan, I promise!" Phil gave me a friendly hug and I started making my way up to the door of hell.

I knocked on the door, hearing a shuffling noise and the clink of bottles, then the old door rattled open, my father stood there, anger in his eyes. It all happened so quickly, he raised on of his hands, in it there was a broken bottle! Next thing I knew there was a sharp pain in my stomach, and then blackness.

A/N well oops, this is dramatic, sorry for any feels I may have made people feel :3 The video I linked is my most recent video on my YouTube channel, it took a lot of courage to film so I would be so appreciative if you could check it out :D any who, stay awesome my little phanberries :333

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