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Phil's POV

When Dan had gone to the toilet I knew I had to confess to the guys, I told them how I loved Dan and how I really wanted to tell him, but didn't want rejection with the fear he might not like me afterwards!

They told me to tell him, make it cute but not too cheesy! I knew this park a few minutes walk from where the sushi bar was and so that brings me to now.

It has just turned to dusk and I am holding Dan's hand, quietly walking as he follows me. We arrived at the park, I pushed the gate open and gently strolled to the old looking swing set. It was rusty and the poles attaching it to the ground were overgrown with grass.

Dan took the left swing while I took the right, the silence was not awkward but just peaceful.

"What brings us to this lovely park Phil?" Dan asked quietly so not to disrupt the peacefulness but loud enough for me to hear clearly.

"I used to come to this park as a child, it was me and my brother's place, he is moved out now. But I wanted to bring you here to tell you something!" My palms began to sweat, I was getting so nervous!

"Okay... What would you like to tell me?" Dan sounded very confused.

"Well..." I took a deep breath "Dan, since the day I met you I have liked you, more than a friend, I - um well what I'm trying to say is um. Daniel Howell, I love you!" I prepared myself for the worst, I expected a punch but the reaction I got was far from expected!

"Phil! Don't be so nervous! I have felt the same since I first layed eyes upon you! I love you too, Philip Lester." Dan took his fingers and pulled my face towards his, we both lent in and our lips met! I felt fireworks rush from my lips and flurry around my whole body!

We both pulled away, wide eyed, I presumed Dan had felt the same as I as he lent in again. We kissed more passionately, once we couldn't hold our breath for much longer we broke apart, foreheads touching.

"I have just felt wanted for the first time!" I exclaimed, "You are the most amazing thing that has happened to me Danny!" We decided to start walking back home, dusk had turned to night while we were at the park, it was dark and cold.

Dan looked very scared so I pulled him into my side, arms around each other we walked down the road,

"Thank you Phil, I love you." Dan snuggled into my neck.

A/N holy wow that mentally hurt me, that was too cute omfg! stay pheels splosioned my little phanberries! xx

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