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Phil's POV

They cornered me, Dan ran, its ok though, Dan is my biggest concern.

"So fag found a friend!" Brad mocked "let me guess, you twos gonna fuck tonight?" What a massive idiot, its quite funny really, they make friends with a girl and then the next thing you know there is a rumour that they did the naughty naughty! But to be honest they probably did. You see to be in 'brads gang' you can't know what decency is and you can't have a heart.

"Oi queer, speek!" The buffest one, Josh screamed at me. He kicked me in stomach making me double over, then another Ollie punched me in the face multiple times, while the others kept kicking my, the last blow came from the ring leader Brad who kicked me in the nuts.

"We'll be back later queer!" Ollie shouted

I felt my vision go blurry and I fell into blackness.


I woke up to something buzzing beside me, my phone, it was Dan. I had only enough strength to pick up the phone, not enough to walk or even stand up

"Phil? Are you there?" Dan sounded very worried

"Y-yes I am here" I began crying because I felt so useless

"Phil I'm coming to pick you up, don't try to argue, what block are you in and when does the bell go?" It took me a while to work out where the heck I was.

"I am in the D block near the toilets and the bell goes in um... Forty five minutes."

"Thank you Phil, see you soon, oh and can we go to yours because my house is um... Messy. Yeah my house is very messy so can we go to yours?"

"Of course"

"Bye bye!"

"Good bye!"

So now I have a way to get out, my mum won't mind, she is never home, always on business cruises!


I saw Dan come running down the corridor looking panicked and sad, he must have run here as he doesn't have a car, his eyes are red and puffy and he is drenched from the rain outside,

"Dan!" I shouted

"Phil! Thank god you didn't pass out! I was scared that you would be out cold, thank you for staying awake!" Dan spoke very fast

10:05 ~ Phan Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now