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Sorry for my absence recently, I have been extremely busy with revising and crap like that but here is my new chapter! Also please check out my new video (linked)

Dan's POV

I looked over to Phil, he gave me a nod, knowing what I was going to ask.

"You see Mrs. Lester, My mother, she died a while ago, and since then my father had been an abusive man. He would go out and get drunk at five in the morning, then he would come home and abuse me before school. I was going to get him locked up for good so me and Phil made a plan, all went well and Phil was not hurt but... I was. He had a broken bottle in his hand and stabbed me repetitively in the stomach. I was in a coma for a week, and my little angel, Phil, stayed there the whole time!" I took a deep breath, I had no idea how she was going to react!

"Dan! I am so sorry! Is he locked up now?" She hugged me tightly

"Yes, yesterday me and Phil went to the court hearing for it. We won!" I smiled as Mrs. Lester engulfed me in another hug, this time Phil joined. I felt properly happy for the second time today! No fake shifts but proper happiness! Phil and his mum were doing great things to my mental health!

"Well Dan... You are more than welcome to live here! After all, you two are together!" Mrs. Lester had a very good point! I wouldn't even need to live in that slum I called home any more, I could have two wonderful people who loved me dearly!

"Dan do you want me to come with you to pick up your things at your old house?" Phil asked me while snuggling into my side, "I don't think you would want to go alone."

I nodded. Phil and I put on our shoes and made our way over to my old 'house', no surprise there was police there (not fob.)

"Hello lads, how can I help you?" The friendly policeman asked,

"Well I am Dan Howell, this is my house... is it okay if I get my belongings? I am going to live with my friend Phil, here." I should be allowed access seeing as it's my house,

"Of course, I will come with you in case anywhere you need to go is taped off." He opened the old front door, the last thing I had seen of the house. As we walked through I noticed how much it smelt like alcohol, I guess living with it for years desensitises the scent, but it is disgusting, I kept coughing. Phil looked like he was going to be sick from the smell, and the police officer was very obviously, used to the scent, seeing as he was a police officer...

"Here we are. My room." I opened the door. My room was wrecked, the long mirror I had was smashed, my wooden draws in splinters. It was a horrible scene. My posters however, still there, all intact. My father had loved my posters. When I wasn't ashamed to call him a father that is.

A/N you don't have to tell me... I know this chapter sucked. Stay rock and roll my little phanberries. xx

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