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I've already updated today, but yolo (feel free to stab me with a spork :3)

Dan's POV

"PHIL GO UP! GO UP!" Ugh for an 'advanced' sonic player Phil is pretty shit at it!

"But the wall was in the way!" Phil moaned as he yet again died, "I but tails would be better at jumping than sonic!" He muttered under his breath

"Well this is sonic one you dumby you can play as tails unless you play multiplayer! And as you don't want to play multiplayer because it will show how much better I am, you can't use tails!" I giggled and tickled Phil's sides

"STOP STOP!" Phil wheezed out, he stood up in the process brushing behind my neck, I fell into a fit on the floor, "haha I've found your weakness Danny boy!"

While Phil was laughing manicly I crept up being him and tickled the back of his knees, causing him to collapse into a ball on the floor

"DAN! You made me spill the coffee!" Phil moved over on the carpet to show a huge stream of coffee (A/N theres the freaking coffee again!) flowing down the floor

"Crap, go get something to clean it!" I panicked, making a mental note not to tickle Phil while around coffee!


I yawned, "you look tired Dan, do you need to sleep?"

"Yeah, but what is my dad going to do? Tomorrow its school and all my stuff is at home!" I was worried, whenever I did something my dad didnt like he would hurt me.

"Don't worry Dan, tomorrow after school we can go to your house and pick up your things, Mr Howell shouldn't hurt you as I am there, if he does then I will call the police, and get that mofo locked up!" Phil held my hand and looked at me seriously "in fact, I have a plan!"

A/N ooooh sorry cliff hanger

What do you think Phil's plan will be?

Anywho, stay swaggy my little phanberries! Xx :3

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