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This is so odd but wattpad's laptop writing screen has changed, it looks so weird compared to the old one but hopefully it will work ok :3

Phil's POV

I'm so glad Dan took it well, it took a lot of courage to do that and if Dan reacted really badly I don't know what I would have done! I have so many feelings for this boy its unreal and I hope he stays my best friend or more forever, I just hope to god that he isn't going to be like Brad. I had known Brad for about three years and it still feels like I had known Dan for longer!

Dan had gone to bed a few hours ago, I was so tempted to climb in with him when he childishly asked me to tuck him in, but I didn't because he will never have feelings for me and so he would just be weirded out by my actions.

It gave me more time to think over the plan though, I was going to go with Dan to his father's house and hide when he knocked on the door, we were going to call the police before and have them hide with me, as soon as we hear shouting we will make a move, I prayed to every power holding thing that could be, hoping that it would work!


It was morning, Dan and I had agreed to miss school today as this was going to take a while.

"morning Firu." Dan walked in putting on an impressive Japanese accent, "today is the big day" he walked straight into the kitchen only to return a few minutes later with two coffees, "Have you even slept?"

"No, I've been worried about this, thank you for the coffee though." I took a deep breath of the coffee scent and took a sip, the coffee burning my tongue, "too hot ouch!" Dan laughed at my foolishness and put his down on a cork mat.

"Should we call the police yet?" Dan asked with slight panic in his voice but still trying to be confident.

"Yes, its about the right time now, don't worry Danny, everything is going to be alright, and I promise you wont get hurt! Plus if that bastard lays a finger on you I will make him pay!" I put on my most aggressive face, which for me just looks silly as I am not intimidating at all.

"Oh yes and my father will shake in fear at that face!" I earned a giggle from Dan's mouth

A/N well this is probably my best chapter so far (grammatically) I am loving hearing your opinions on this phanfic, and yes this is a PHAN fic so they will get together but i'm not too sure when :3 stay kawaii my little phanberries oh and check out @hellomynameislexi as she is awesome and has been a great friend recently! Plus her fanfiction is amazing! peace out :33

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