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May still be triggering, talk about self-harm and eating disorder.
Again if you need to talk to someone about it, I'm always here so message me on wattpad or my email is - RuthHarperVlogs@gmail.com - its also my enquiries so please do not spam, thank you xx.

Dan's POV

I woke up in a sweat, where was I? I suddenly remembered, I was at Phil's house, and I would be living here!

I got up and walked to the bathroom, from being the door I heard sobbing?!

"Phil?" I knocked, "what's wrong? Can I come in?"

I heard shuffling from being the door and then the lock clicked open. Phil was soaking wet in only a towel, his arms behind his back and his posture was slumped and not straight.

"Philly, come here, come have a hug." He solumly walked over and let me wrap my arms around his small form, "what's wrong Phil?"

"C-can we talk about it sitting down? Plea-ase?" He said shyly and quickly, I nodded and walked into the lounge holding his right hand, his left, still behind his back.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, he took a deep breath and sighed heavily.

"Dan, I'm depressed." It hit me hard, Phil was suffering the same as me, "I needed a take a shower and well, its easier to shoe you."

Phil brought his left hand from behind his back and showed me his wrist, I looked up the arm even more so see dozens of deep gashes, self inflicted gashes!

"Phil!" I sobbed it his stomach "I had no idea! You were so bubbly and happy!" I continued to sob in to him, he pulled me into a hug

"I'm sorry Dan." He sighed "I guess you don't want to say anymore." He said emotionless,

"Mr Philip Lester! Do not think like that at all! I will stay with you till the day I die! You are the best friend I've ever had and I want to be there for you!" I announced "is there anything else you want to tell me while we are on the subject?" I asked returning to my normal voice.

"Well um yes..." Phil awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "I am an-anorexic" I pulled him into I giant hug.

"I guess that makes two!"

A/N bit of a sad chapter but an important one, stay strong my phanberries, wuv u! Xx

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