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Dan's POV

"Although I just got beat up I feel kinda badass for leaving the school!" Phil had just got his adrenaline rush from being beaten up, I should be able to get him back home now.

"Okay Phil you are dealing with the adrenaline rush now, this will make you feel strong and hyper for around 30 minutes maximum and then you will feel drained and probably pass out, we need to get you home quick, because I don't want you to pass out on me outside, that would be a disaster!" I needed to explain somethings to him

"Alright Dan, but how do you know so much about this stuff?" great now I'm rumbled, I have to come clean, fuck.

"Well I did'n't really want to tell you this, just promise you wont run away?" I was about to tell him, this was about to happen, okay fuck.

"Of course..." Phil looked nervous

"Well, to put it simply, I'm abused, my dad gets drunk everyday comes home, and completely fucks me over, I've been to hospital loads and they always tell me about the side affects of me being beaten up." all the colour drained out of phil's face, of which there was not much...

"Dan, I'm so sorry!" Phil cried, attacking me with a hug, "You can stay with me at my house as much as you want! I'm sure my mum won't mind as she is never around!" 

"Awh Phil you're too kind. But honestly if it wouldn't be too much of a hassle, that would be perfect!" I attacked him back with a hug, this boy is amazing!

A/N I'm sorry this chapter is not as long as usual, I'm feeling really ill and i've been trying not to die while writing this *crys* who gets a fucking fever in april?! Well, me. Anyway if you are ill then hope you get better soon, ALSO OMG IVE HIT 100 SUBSCRIBERS ON YOUTUBE AND OMG THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you wan to subscribe to me my youtube is called Ruth Harper, boring name I know, stay swaggy my phanberries, wuv u xx :3

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