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Dan's POV

We followed Pete down the road until he stopped outside of a small Japanese shop called '日本を食べます' and then the English translation of 'Eat Japanese!'

"I guarantee this will be the best food you've ever had in your life!" Pete was very excited to get in, we open the door and the scent of food almost made me throw up, I really didn't want to eat, but I lied just so Phil would eat something, after the meal I was going to throw it up.

"Hurry up Pete I'm hungry!" Patrick shouted at the pink haired man who was taking forever to open the door, but only to annoy Patrick!

"Alright stumpy keep your hair on!" Pete laughed opening the door fully and letting us through. I looked at Phil in the eyes, he looked so nervous and as was I, I grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. 'Lets do this!' Phil mouthed to me.

"Welcome!" A bouncy Japanese girl wearing a cute dress walked up to us, "Oh my goodness! Fall Out Boy!" The girl excitedly giggled "and who are you?" she politely asked me and Phil.

"I am Phil and this is Dan, I guess we are friends with the guys?" Phil announced,

"Yeah! These are our good British friends." Andy happily said, "we've brought them here to celebrate, so can we have a table?"

"Of course! We have a nice big one in the back so if you don't want to be disturbed by fans then you can have that?" She was so considerate!

"That would be lovely, thank you very much!" Pete started following the waitress and then we followed on.


"I am just going to go to the toilet." I stood up rushing slightly, I hadn't eaten much but I still didn't want it in me. When I was closing the door to the toilet I saw Phil give me a sad look, almost knowing what I was about to do. Well that plan is foiled.

Still I bent over the toilet and pushed my fingers to the back of my throat, I did this three times before I was content I had got all the crap out of me. I didn't need that in me, I was fat enough as it was!


I thanked Pete for paying and we went our separate ways, Phil grabbed onto my hand and told me to follow him? I was confused but went along with it anyway.

It had just turned dusk so all I could see was the silhouette of Phil in front of me, the sky was a beautiful colour!

A/N I like this chapter alot! please listen to fall out boy's album Folie a duex because its very underrated, I linked one of my favourite songs from it so yah! Stay musical my little phanberries! xx

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