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Dan's POV

"Oi! Faggot!" Behind me a crowd of boys shouting, not the usual Zac but Phil's bully's, one of them came up behind Phil and pulled him backwards by the backpack. I felt useless, do I run and leave Phil to be beat up or do I stay and get bullied too?

"Dan go!" Phil mouthed to me. My legs took control and I ran, I didn't know my way around this part of school, I ran into a couple of walls not knowing where I was going! Screw it I'm leaving, so what if my dad yells at me! I've got Phil's number so I can ask him if he is ok later but now I need to go home!

I've done this before I found a place I can escape from so I'll go there. I jumped through the small hole in the fence, I was out of that hell hole! I ran home jumping over a few fences, using the parkour skills I previously didn't know I had!

I grabbed my keys and shoved them into the old lock on my door. I shoved open the door and tiptoed through my house checking every room, and as expected my dad was pasted out on the living room couch, he always gets drunk and is abusive then passes out, wakes up then gets drunk again, the cycle continues! I quietly walked up the stairs still out of breath from running here.

'Phil are you ok? I ran away, in fact I left the school! I'm at home now, if you need my help I'll come back and we can go to your house! - Dan'

I texted Phil as quickly as I could before running into my on suite bathroom and picking up my 'old friend'

A/N I didn't expect this to happen I just let it! I am loving writing this and I really hope you are enjoying it so, stay swaggy my little phanberries! Xx

10:05 ~ Phan Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now