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Hey, so I am going to be updating less as I have massive writers block and my depression has really caught up with me. Sorry if this is bad, I am just dealing with some stuff at the moment.

Trigger Warning

Phil's POV

The scent of Dan's old house was past describing. It's like you have put beer, vomit and dead bats in a toilet! Dan was clearly quite saddened by this, as would I! He lived here for his whole life for goodness sake!

"You okay Dan?" I gave him a supporting pat on the back, he nodded sadly, continuing to walk around his room, collecting what little things he had.

"I think I've got everything." Dan sighed to the policeman, who was standing by the door, looking into thin air.

"Okay, let's leave before we pass out from the stench." We followed him down the stairs, Dan looking around at the shattered family photos and ornaments. A tear ran down his face as he stood looking at a beautiful picture of whom I can only presume was his mother. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms tightly around his little waist, everything felt like slow motion, and ache grew in my chest. My wrists itching, I knew what I wanted but it would have to wait as Dan needed me.

"Are you ready to go back, Dan?" I put my arm around his shoulder and pulled the small suitcase with his belongings in behind me.


We arrived at my house, it was empty and on the table was a note from my mother

'Just popped out to get some milk,

see you later ~ Mummy'

"I need a shower, make yourself at home in my bedroom honey." I gave Dan one more hug and headed up to the bathroom


The cool blade against my skin felt so good, every emotion I had, washed away in the stream of water, I felt so bad for everything Dan had to go through, he is so special and doesn't deserve all this crap.

he doesn't deserve such a bad boyfriend like you, cut deeper, no one will miss you!

The voices in my head told the truth, I was the worst boyfriend. He could do so much better than me! I looked down at my already bloody wrists.

just do it you fatass!

NO! Dan needs me! and I need him, we can be broken together!


I pulled a black, long sleeved muse jumper over my head, pairing it with some black skinny jeans. My wrists ached badly but I put up with the pain,

"Hello Philly," Dan smiled at me when I walked into my bedroom, he was wearing a fall out boy t shirt, laying comfortably on my bed. "Come and join me!" He looked so cute when he was sleepy!

A/N So I know this chapter was quite a bit shorter than some of my others but if you read the caption at the start you would know why. I am going to recommend a song for each chapter from now on, so as I was listening to it while writing this, I recommend 'Animals ~ muse' It is a really beautiful song! my favourite part is probably



Lay off

Kill yourself

Come on and do us all a favour'

Not sure why its my favourite it just is! Stay strong my little phanberries x

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