~Chapter 2~

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(Time skip to when you are going to be sorted)

Your POV:
The doors swung open to reveal Minnie standing there with a stern expression but softened a bit when she saw me. She took care of me when Remus couldn't so I know the hogwarts building off by heart but there are some places that I don't know.

"The firs'-years,Professor Mcgonagall,"Hagrid said
"Thank you Hagrid.I will take them from here."
Minnie started leading us to the great hall were we will be sorted in our houses and stopped in front of the doors to the great hall.

While Minnie was explaining everything I zoned out and started thinking how hogwarts is still the same from when I last saw it. She left us and went into the hall,probably still getting everything ready.

Beside me Hermione was talking about the spells she had learnt and wondering which one she will need to use.All of a sudden we heard a scream.
The Peeves.

I was good friends with it. When Minnie returned the ghosts flew away and we started walking through the double doors of the Great Hall. It was lit by thousands and thousands of candles which were floating in mid-air over four long tables where upper years were sitting at.

Each table represented a house. I turned to the Gryffindor table and saw the same boy who tackled me.We made eye contact and I looked away quickly. One by one people's name was being called and sorted.

"Bones,Susan!"Minnie called out
"HUFFLEPUFF!"shouted the hat


"Black,(Y/n)!"I walked up nervously and sat on the three legged chair.I looked out and saw Hermione giving me a reassuring smile.

"Hmm,a Black ah I remember your dad quite the troublemaker he was and your mum she was witty and knocked your dad a few pegs down, kept him levelheaded. You have a good heart filled with love and a lot of courage and mischief. Better be GRYFFINDOR!"

I started walking to the Gryffindor table were everyone was cheering loudly since I was the first one to get sorted into Gryffindor. I looked over to Minnie and she gave me a proud smile.


I smiled at Hermione as she walked over to me and sat next to me.



The twins from earlier were yelling "we got potter" "we got potter"


Ron looked relieved as he collapsed next to Harry who sat opposite me. Soon I was introduced to Percy Weasley who was a prefect and one of Ron's brothers. I found out the boy who tackled me was called Fred Weasley and his twin was called George Weasley.

"I'm an sorry about tackling you on the train earlier..." Fred was rambling about how sorry he was and how it was an accident.
I started to laugh which made him stop talking, when I stopped laughing I said,
"It's fine it was just a accident."

Me,Hermione,Ron and Harry came close friends but Hermione and Ron were a bit of a trouble. After dinner we were lead to the Gryffindor Tower and a girl named Angelina Johnson lead me and Hermione to our room.

She was really nice and pretty and she was a chaser on the Gryffindor quidditch team also she was two years older than us which meant she was like an older sister to us.

"Choose any bed you want I don't mind." She said.
The room was big and there were four beds facing opposite each other. Hermione took the bed next to the door. Angelina's bed was opposite hers.

I chose the bed next to Hermione. As we hung out together along with the boys, we grew closer and found out Angelina likes George Weasley even if she won't admit it.

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now