~Chapter 39~

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Your POV:
It's been three day since I've been at the Weasley's and everyone thought that it was best if we went for a swim in the near by lake, it was pretty deep apparently but we were only going to go tomorrow.

The next day I was the first one to wake up and I went down stairs after I got ready to help Molly. I was wearing leggings and a t-shirt over my swimsuit.
"Good morning dear."
"Good morning Molly, is there anything I can help you with."
"Could you wake up the girls and then the boys but do be warned the twins are the hardest to wake up."
"I'll wake them up don't worry."

I walked up stairs to Ginny's room and saw that Hermione was already awake.
"Morning Mione."
"Good morning need help waking up Ginny."
"That would be great."
We woke up Ginny ignoring her protests. While Hermione went to Ron's room she saw that Percy was heading downstairs and told me as I was walking to Fred and George's room to wake them up .

Hermione woke Ron and Harry up, surprisingly they woke up pretty fast. Next it was George and Fred since I heard that Bill and Charlie were already awake, I didn't need to wake them up. I knocked on Fred and George's door, I didn't hear anything so I went in and I was George was going to fall of his bed. I decided to wake George up first.

"George wake up your going to fall." I said but all I got in response was a mumble.
"Ron's going to eat all the food." I said and George shot up running downstairs. I laughed at this and walked up to Fred's bed.
"Freddie wake up." I said but all I got in response was a groan and then I felt my self falling. Next thing I know I am in Fred's bed with his arm wrapped around my waist and his head nuzzled into the crook of my neck.

"5 more minutes Love."
"Fine." I said wrapping my arms around him. After the 5 minutes I managed to escape Fred's arms and stand beside his bed again.
"Fred it's time to get up now." I said but all I got was a no, I saw a glass filled with water on the side of his bed and it was really cold surprisingly.
"Fred if you don't get up I will pour water on you." I said but all I got in response was Fred turning his head the other way so it was not facing me anymore.

I picked up the cup and held it over his head.
"I'm sorry." I said placing a kiss on his cheek, which made him hum in response. I poured the cold water all over Fred. Fred shot up in bed and looked straight at me.
"You are so dead for that." Fred said
"Now Fred I did warn you and did give a kiss on your cheek."
"I did like that part but you should of thought about what you were doing before you did it"
Fred then got out of bed and I ran for my life. Fred was right behind me , I then went into kitchen and saw everyone was looking at me, I ran to Bill and Charlie who were standing up and hid behind them.

"Bill, Charlie save me!"
"Save you from what?" Bill answered
"Him!" I said pointing at Fred who has come downstairs with wet hair and shirt.
"Come on Love, you can't hide behind Bill and Charlie forever."
"I can and I will, Freddie."
Just then Molly walked in.
"All of you sit down and Fred go dry up, it's not now that you are suppose to be wet."
Fred then went upstairs and came back downstairs dry and dressed.

All the boys were all wearing shorts now. Ron, Harry and Percy wore a t-shirt while the rest of the boys wore muscle tees. Hermione and Ginny are wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

After breakfast we all decided to go to the lake, me and the Girls were the first ones out of the Burrow waiting for the boys. Then Harry and Ron came along with the twins and Bill. Now we were just waiting for Charlie, Percy wasn't coming.

"Charlie come on let's go." I said throughout the burrow
"One minute." I heard Charlie say and the heard footsteps, I saw Charlie carrying the Vapourous and coming towards us.
"Sorry he was a bit annoyed that I woke him up." Charlie said talking about the dragon.
"Alright let's go!" Bill shouted and everyone started walking to the lake.
"Charlie what is it's name??"
"Well I haven't really thought of a name yet but you can pick it if you want, he is very fond of you." Charlie said and just then the baby dragon flew onto my shoulder. It found a comfortable position and slept.

"What about... Pika?" I said and the dragon on my shoulder agreed by giving us a happy yelp.
"I think Pika likes his name."

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now