~Chapter 71~

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Your POV:
It's been a few days since we decided on teaching people. Me, Hermione, Ron and Harry were all walking to Hogs Head for the meeting. It was snowing last night so the paths are icy.

"This is mad who would want to be taught by us, I'm a nutter remember," Harry said
"And I'm a weirdo," I said
"Well look on the bright side you two, you won't be as worse than old toadface," Ron said
"Thanks Ron," me and Harry said
"I'm here for you two,"

"Who's suppose to be meeting us, Mione," I asked
"Just a couple of people," Hermione answered
We went inside the shop and it looked very lovely but not really. "It's a lovely spot," Ron said sarcastically.
"It's a place where people wouldn't go in," Hermione said.

We all sat down in front of all the tables and waiting for people, first Neville came in followed by Dean, Lavender Brown, Parvati and Padma Patil, Cho and one of her girlfriends, Luna Lovegood, Katie Bell, Angelina, Ginny and a few other people. Next Lee, George and Fred walked in, once they did I smiled at Fred who immediately smiled at me. Fred was the first to go up and order something,

"Hi can we have twenty five butterbeers, please?"  Fred said counting the people in here.
"Just a couple of people!" I whispered shouted to Hermione.
"Lots of people were interested," Hermione said.

Fred started handing everyone's drink when people went up and got over to the bar,
"Cough up, everyone I haven't got enough gold for everyone," Fred said passing their drinks to them after giving him money.

I went up shyly and got a drink, I reached in my pocket to give some money to Fred.
"Oh no not you Love, I'll be paying for you," Fred said
"No Freddie I can pay for my own drink," I said
"I know but let me treat you please,"
I sighed giving in and said
"Go sit down," Fred said putting a kiss on my head.
Some people cooed at us and I heard someone whisper 'Hogwarts favourite couple'.

I sat back down in between Harry and Ron, once everyone settled down Hermione stood up.
"Erm— hi so you all know why you are here, we need a teacher a proper teacher one who has had experience defending themselves against the dark arts," Hermione said.

"Why?" A boy asked
"Why cause you know who is back you tospot," Ron said annoyed
"So they say,"
"So Dumbledore says," Hermione said
"So Dumbledore says because they say, so the point is where's the proof,"

"Potter and Black could tell more about how Diggory got killed," another boy spoke up.
I stood up and said
"We're not going to talk about Cedric so if you're here for that you might as well leave now,"

"Come on Hermione let's go they just here cause they think we are some sort of freaks," Harry said standing up and whispering to Hermione.
"Is it true that you can both produce the patronus charm?" Luna said
"Yes I've seen them do it both," Hermione said

"Blimey," someone said
Then people named events were Harry and I did good things.
"When you put it like that, it sounds great but I had people to help me," Harry said
"Are you trying to weasel out of showing us any of this?" A boy named Zacharias Smith said

"Here's an idea why don't you shut up," Ron said by this boy.
"Well we turned up to this meeting for them to teach us and now they are saying they can't do any of it,"
"That's not what they are saying," Fred snarled
"Would you like us to clear your ears for you?" George said getting out a silver object.

We all then tried to think of a place to practice but couldn't think of one on the spot. Hermione pulled a parchment and said
"We will sign this parchment so we know who is here and if you do sign it you will not be telling Umbridge,"
Hermione signed it first then Harry, Ron and Me. The first person to come up was Fred and he did his signature under mine.

After more people came and did it, after everyone had signed it, everyone left in groups of two to four. Me, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Fred, George, Ginny and Neville were the only ones in Hogs head.

"Okay let's go," I said walking out
We were all walking to Hogwarts to try and find a place,
"Right first we need to find a place to practice where Umbridge wouldn't find out," Harry said

"The shrieking shack," Ginny said
"It's too small," I said on her left.
"The forbidden forest," Hermione said
"Oh bloody hell Hermione," Ron said

"Harry what happens if Umbridge does find out," Ginny said
"Oh who cares I mean sort of exciting isn't it breaking the rules," Hermione said
"Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger?" Ron asked

"Anyway at least we know one positive thing came out of today," Hermione said
"What's that?" Harry said
"Cho couldn't take her eyes of you could she," I said knowing.

Over the couple of days we've been coming up with possibilities of where we could train. One day we were sitting in the Great Hall and Neville ran up to us out of breath.

"I-I-" Neville try to say something but couldn't, I gave him some water and he chugged it down.
"Thanks, I found a place where we could practice," Neville finally said.

We all stood up and followed him, we were at a corridor and the wall changed into a door. We all went in,

"Wow Neville you found the room of requirements," Hermione said
"The what?" Ron said
"The room of requirements, it appears when someone desperately needs something," I said slipping my hand in Fred's.
"So like if you need the toilet," Ron said
"Yes Ronald," Hermione said.

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now