~Chapter 92~

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Your POV:
It was now night and I was relaxing in the common room waiting for Harry to return. I heard footsteps behind me and saw Harry walk in,
"So how did it go?" I said walking with him now.
"Good I guess," Harry said and then explained what happened between him and Slughorn.

We reached to his dorm and went inside, only to be met with Ron staring out the window,
"It's beautiful isn't it the moon," Ron said dreamily
"Yeah," I said
"Devine," Harry said "had ourselves a little night snack have we,"

I saw Harry talking about the chocolate wrappers on the floor around Ron. Ron got up and looked at me and Harry
"It was on your bed, I thought I would try one,"
"Or twenty," I said smiling at Ron.
"I can't stop thinking about her Harry, (Y/n)." Ron continued saying acting like a shy little school boy.

I walked over to Harry's bed and sat down and Harry joined me.
"Honestly thought she was starting to annoy you," Harry said while I agreed.
"She could never annoy me," Ron said sitting on Harry's bed with us and getting close to us.

Ron held a red heart pillow in his hands hugging it to his chest.
"I think I love her," Ron said which made me choke on my saliva. Harry got off the bed and scooted away from Ron as he started getting closer to him but then he started to get closer to me, I pushed him away gently trying to create some space and thankfully he stayed there.

Harry sat on the other bed facing us,
"Do you think she knows I exist?" Ron said
"Bloody hope so for your sake I mean she's been snogging you for three months," I said
"Snogging who are you talking about?" Ron asked confused.
"Who are you talking about?" Me and Harry said confused

"Romilda of course, Romilda Vane," Ron said which made me look at him weirdly. Harry got up
"Okay very funny," Harry said starting to pick up the chocolate wrappers. Ron then stood up and threw the pillow at Harry,

"OW! What was that for!" Harry said
"It's no joke!" Ron said glaring at me to stop laughing "I'm in love with her."
"Alright you're in love with her," Harry said holding the arm that Ron hit.
"Have you even actually met her?" I said getting off the bed and standing with Harry.

"No can you introduce me," Ron said looking at Harry. Ron then walked over to the window and sat in front of it again. I looked at Harry and he held up the chocolates, I then gave Harry the 'I told you so' look.

Harry rolled his eyes and went to Ron telling him we were going to introduce him to Romilda Vane. He guided Ron through Hogwarts and to Slughorn's office. Harry knocked on the door while I kept Ron from trying to run away, I walked Ron into Slughorn's office after he allowed us to come in.

Slughorn then opened a box and said,
"I'd think you know how to make the cure for the love potion Harry, (Y/n)?" Slughorn said
"We thought this one needs a professionals help," Harry said while Ron hugged Slughorn from the side calling him darling.

Slughorn nodded and I took Ron off Slughorn and led him to the sofa. Harry kept on talking with Slughorn while I was in charge of Ron. Ron got up and started to walk to the other side of the room where another sofa was.

He climbed it and sat on the top of the sofa but then fell behind it. I burst out laughing while Harry and Slughorn turned around to see what the noise was,
"Come on," I said walking to Ron and setting him on the sofa. Slughorn and Harry came over with the cure and handed it to Ron,

"What's this?" Ron asked
"Tonic for the nerves," Slughorn said.
Ron drank it and then we waited for a few secs, his face changed soon,
"What happened to me?" Ron said
"Love potion," I said amused

"Bloody strong one," Slughorn said taking the cure away.
"I feel really bad," Ron then said
"You need a pick me up boy a butterbeer, wine, dazzling earth matured made I had other intentions for this but I think given the circumstances," Slughorn said pouring the drink into four cups.

Slughorn walked over to us and handed out the drinks, I smelt it while Ron just went and drank it. All of a sudden Ron dropped the glass, dropped to the floor, and started seizing,
"Ron, Ron!" I said shaking him crouching down to him.

"Professor do something!" Harry said also crouched down. Ron stopped seizing and breathing,
"Harry go and get bezoar!" I said Harry nodded and ran off rummaging through the box. I heard Harry come to me, I turned around and Harry gave one to me. I opened Ron's mouth and forced it down,

"Come on Ron!" I whispered
"Come on Ron breathe!" Harry said next to me now. Nothing was happening but then Ron's chest started rising up and down, he was breathing again. Me and Harry sighed in relief and leant back on the sofa, Slughorn ran out the room and then returned with Minnie and Madam Pomfrey who got Ron to the Hospital wing.

Me and Harry were forced to go to sleep after we told Minnie, Dumbledore and the other teachers what had happened. I woke up the next morning and told Hermione and Ginny everything, we all got ready and rushed down to the Hospital wing where we met Harry outside and he handed us a piece of toast each.

We weren't allowed in and when ever the door would open we tried to see Ron. At eight Madam Pomfrey let us in and we all rushed to Ron, we all sat around him in silence. We heard footsteps and Molly and Arthur appeared, Molly looked like she was crying which broke my heart to see the Weasley family like this.

Molly and Arthur got out of the room with Dumbledore to talk about what happened. An hour later and the hospital doors opened this time Fred and George came in.

George was carrying a large box which I'm guessing is Ron's birthday present, they came over to us and Fred sat next to me while George sat next to Ginny, who was on the opposite side us me. Fred held my hand and squeezed it,
"So in all not one of Ron's best birthday," Fred said and we all agreed.

It was the evening now and we were the only ones in here.
"This isn't how I pictured giving him his present," George said grimly setting it down on the table near him.
"How did it happen Love, Harry?" Fred said which made them all look over to us.

Me and Harry explained what happened and when we were finished George said,
"Blimey is was lucky you thought of a bezoar," George said looking at me. I shook my head and Harry said
"We were lucky that there was any," Harry said. The room fell silent again and all you could hear is Hermione's quiet sobs,

"Does mum and dad know?" Fred said to Ginny.
"Yeah they came in an hour ago and now they're in Dumbledore's office,"
We then talked about how Slughorn could be a deatheater or not, but then we heard Ron mumble and then fall back asleep.

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now