~Chapter 85~

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Your POV:
It was now the day of the Slughorn's Christmas party. Me and Hermione were getting ready right now, I was wearing a red dress that hugged my figure and went up to my mid thighs.

I paired it with some golden heels and my mums necklace that I always wear. I looked at Hermione who was ready and wearing a pink dress. Ginny was also ready but she went out ages ago for some reason,
"Babe look at you," I said to Hermione admiring how beautiful she is.
"Oh stop it and look at you," Hermione said getting shy.

"Ron is going to regret everything," I said which made Hermione giggle.
"Crickets," Hermione said
"What?" I said
"I left my invitation for Slughorn's party at the astronomy tower when I was revising earlier, can you go get it?" Hermione said

I nodded and started heading to the astronomy tower, I don't know why but I feel like Hermione is hiding something. I opened the astronomy tower door and walked up, on the floor there was a piece of paper, I picked it and opened it only to read,

'Turn around'
I grabbed my wand from my thigh strap and quickly spun around and pointed my wand.
"FRED!" I shouted
I ran over to him and hugged him,

"Hello Love," Fred said kissing me.
I kissed back and when we broke apart I saw that Fred was wearing an suit.
"What are you doing here?" I asked
"Well couldn't let my girl go to this party alone could I," Fred said smiling

"Why am I not surprised," I said giggling
"I missed you," I said pecking Fred's lips.
"I missed you too," Fred muttered against my lips.
"When you sent your letter and wrote about the party I thought I would talk to Minerva and pull a few strings. She talked to Slughorn and he then sent me an invitation a few days ago," Fred said explaining to me how's he's allowed here.

We were walking to the party hand in hand,
"I'm guessing Hermione helped you," I said
"Yeah kind of," Fred said laughing.
We arrived at the party and saw Harry with Luna and Hermione with McLaggen which didn't shock me but had me surprised a bit.

We walked over to Neville who gave us drinks and walked away, I was talking to Fred for a while but then saw something blossom above us. We looked up and saw it was a mistletoe,
"This reminds me of something," I said laughing at the memory of me and Fred last year.

Last year on Christmas night Fred came into my room and hung mistletoes on my ceiling. To the point that you couldn't even see my ceiling.
"Mine was better though," Fred said
"It sure was," I said kissing Fred.

Fred pulled me closer and we broke apart when we heard a whistle, I looked to see who it was and saw it was Harry. Luna then came over and started to talk to me and Fred, in the corner of my eye I saw Hermione behind a curtain. I excused myself and went over to her,

"What happened to you?" I said joining her behind the curtain. The curtain then opened and Harry stepped in,
"What are you two doing?" Harry said
"Ask Mione," I said

"I just escaped, I mean I left Cormac under the mistletoe," Hermione said
"Cormac!?" Harry said
While I tried to hold in my laugh,
"That's who you invited," Harry said disappointed

"She thought it would annoy Ron the most," I said casually as a waiter came behind the curtains with us offering some food.
"No thanks," me and Hermione said
"Good choice they make terrible breath," the waiter said

"On second thoughts," Hermione said taking the tray from the waiter and started eating it. The waiter went away,
"Might keep Cormac away," Hermione said eating
"Here he comes," I sang.
Hermione push the tray into Harry's hands and ran away,

"Good luck Harry but I better be going," I said escaping from Harry and returning to Fred.
"I think we should ditch this party," I said
"That's why I love you," Fred said grabbing my hand and walking towards the door.

Once we got out we ran through Hogwarts,
"Stop right there you two," we heard a much too familiar voice say. We stopped running and saw Minnie walking to us,
"Hello Minnie,"
"Minvera," Fred said

"You can't run in the corridor Mr Weasley and (Y/n)," Minnie said
"Oh call me Fred, Minvera," Fred said
"Thank you and bring her back safe," Minnie said walking away with a smile.
"Carry on," Minnie said as she turned around.

We kept on running to the Black Lake and relaxed there for a bit. It was now Fred's time to leave, which meant it was time to say goodbye.
"Bye Freddie," I said hugging him and kissing him.
"Bye and see you at Christmas ok, I love you," Fred said kissing my head.
"I love you too," I said and watched Fred disappear.

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now