~Chapter 34~

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Your POV:
Everyone was back from the holidays and lessons were back on. It was now divination and Harry, Ron and I  were all falling asleep but then woke up when Professor Trelawney came up to us. Hermione wanted to try the grim but Professor said that she wasn't capable of divination and then Hermione stormed out the classroom knocking the globe of the table.

Later that day we all decided to go to Hagrid Hut.
"I can't believe they are going to kill Buckbeak it's just to horrible!" Hermione said
"You can say that again." I said
"Well it just got worse." Ron said
We all saw what Ron was talking about and it was Draco and his goons spying on Buckbeak's  execution. Hermione stormed over to them and argued with and she was going to walk away but then she punched Draco right on the nose.

"That felt good." Hermione said
"That wasn't just good Mione that was bloody brilliant." I said
We all then arrived hat Hagrid's Hut and we all went in. Ron got Scabbers back but then Hermione and Ron argued on apologising until a vase broke and sand spilt out of it. Harry then warned us that Dumbledore and the Ministry were coming so we snuck past through the back. As we left Buckbeak called out to us, which I hesitated on leaving but eventually did leave. We all watched from far away Buckbeak get executed and we were all mourning but then Ron yelped.

"He bite me!" Ron said talking about Scabbers, who has now ran away and we are chasing after him. Ron caught Scabber but he was near the Whomping Willow.
"Ron get out of there." Hermione said
"Harry, (Y/n) and Hermione run it's the grim!" Ron said pointing behind us. It was the black dog that me and Fred kept seeing. It growled at launched itself above us.

"Be a good boy and get back down here." I said
The dog ran to Ron, grabbed his foot and dragged Ron underneath the Whomping Willow. All three of us ran after Ron, I ran underneath the tree and waited for Harry and Hermione who eventually came. We all walked further in and saw Ron holding Scabbers in the corner of the room.

"Where's the dog?" I said
"It's a trap, he's the dog, he's an animagus!" Ron said pointing behind us. When we looked back we saw
"Dad." I whispered
"If you want to kill Harry you have to kill us to."
Hermione said stepping in front of Harry.
"No only one will die tonight!" My dad said
"Then it will be you!" Harry said tackling my dad to the ground and point his wand to my dads throat.

"Are you going to kill me Harry?" My dad said laughing but then Remus bursted in and disarmed Harry by saying
"Expelliarmus!" Harry then got off my dad and Remus walked over to dad and saying
"Well, well Sirius finally the flesh reflects the madness within."
"Well you'd know all the madness within wouldn't you Remus!" My dad said and then Remus lowered his wand and helped my dad up. They hugged each other after they kept on saying ' I finally know!' And 'let's kill him.'

"No I trusted you and all this time you've been his friend, he's a werewolf that's why he's been missing classes."
"Hermione!" I said
"You were always smart Hermione!" Remus said giving my dad his wand so he can kill the person.
"Come on let's kill him Remus!" My dad said
"Very well let's kill him but wait one more minute, Harry deserves to know why." Remus said

"I know why, you betrayed my parents you're the reason they're dead."
"No Harry it wasn't my dad, somebody else did betray your parents though!" I said
"Yes in fact I thought the person was dead until very recently I discovered he's not!" Remus said.
"Who was it then?" Harry exclaimed
"Peter Pettigrew and he's in this room right now, come out Peter!" My dad said walking to us but then Snape came and disarmed my dad. Snape then proceeded to hold his wand to my dads throat.

"Expelliarmus!" I said pointing to my wand at Snape, which made him go flying back and crashing into the bed.
"(Y/n) what did you do?!!" Ron said
"You attacked a teacher" Hermione said
"Guys just listened to what my dad and Remus have to say." I said lowering my wand.
"Go on tell me about Peter Pettigrew!" Harry said
"He was at school with us, we thought he was our friend, and no he is not dead. I thought that as well until you mentioned seeing him on the map." Remus said

"The map was lying!" Harry said
"The map never lies, Peter Pettigrew is alive and he's right there!" My dad said pointing at Ron
"Me?" Ron said
"No not you, you silly boy your rat!" My dad said
My dad walked over to Ron and tried to take the rat away from him but Ron resisted.
"Give it to him Ron!" Harry said
My dad carried the rat and put it on the piano, it tried to run away but my dad shot it with a spell and it turned into a old man. Remus and dad dragged him in the middle of the room.

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now