~Chapter 109~

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Your POV:
All of a sudden we could hear Voldemort's voice again,
"I do not wish this much of magical blood to be split, it is a terrible waste therefore I command my forces to retreat in their absence dispose of your dead with dignity,"

His voice went away and I couldn't help but feel sick to my stomach like there's something bad waiting for me. We recovered from Voldemorts voice and walked to the Great Hall where everyone retreated.

We walked into the great hall, we saw the Weasley family gathering around someone, I looked a closer and I felt my heart stop for a second, it's like my whole world came crushing down.

I walked over to them with Ron and Hermione and George pulled me into a hug while Ron grieved,
"He's gone, he's gone," George said while shaking his head. I felt numb.

I knelt down next to Fred and saw his chest wasn't rising up and down
"Come on Fred we promised each other always and forever you can't leave me, you can't leave George. Fred please I'm begging you let this all be a joke, I can't live without you Fred, I need you, we still have a lot to do like buy a house, get married, have kids, please Fred come to me please," I said and then kissed him on his lips.

I sobbed into his neck while hugging him after he didn't respond.
"Don't leave me," I said repeatedly
I saw his chest raise slightly,
"Fred," I whispered

"Fred" I said louder and everyone looked at me. I sat up, when I saw it again,
"What's wrong dear," Molly said
"His chest, it's moving up and down,"
"(Y/n)" George said thinking I was lying

"No I'm not lying, see," I said when it was more obvious, everyone was shocked. We heard Fred groan while sitting up and saying,
"Love I'll never leave you, I promised always and forever,"

My eyes teared up and I hugged Fred which he accepted and tightly hugged me back,
"You're breathing," I said shocked with what happened.
"Don't you ever do that again," I said hitting his arms, he chuckled and agreed.

I let go of him and let the rest of the his family hug him. I looked over to my right and saw Remus and Tonks laying down
"No, no no no no," I said running towards Remus and Tonks. Molly held onto me while I held their hand,

"Don't worry dear they're not dead just they are severely hurt, i tried my best to heal them but the rest is up to them," Molly said
"Thank you Molly," I said hugging her. I noticed Remus and Tonks hands were touching each other, I went over to their heads and started speaking to them,

"You two better pull it through for me and Teddy and everyone else but we need you guys. So don't die," I said and I heard two groans next to me and saw Remus and Tonks trying to get up. I pushed them both down gently,

"No you two need to rest,"
"We'd never leave you and teddy," Tonks said
Once I finished talking to Tonks and Remus I went over to Fred, to help him clean his cuts.
We silently sat there comfortably but something felt off. I looked around and saw everyone but Harry,
"What's wrong love,"
"Where's Harry," I stood up and looked properly but he couldn't be seen.

We heard Voldemort coming again so we all went outside Fred stayed closed to me while George was with Angelina. Me and Fred walked by Ginny, Arthur and Neville, we saw Hagrid carrying someone,

"Neville who is that, Neville," Ginny said not wanting to believe and she saw in front of her.
"Harry Potter is dead," Voldemort shouted
I stood still not believing what I just heard, Ginny tried to go to Harry but Arthur stopped her and Hermione and Ron came near us in disbelief.

"From this day forth you'll put your faith in me," Voldemort said and then turned around "Harry potter is dead," the death eaters began to laugh. Voldemort then turned towards us,

"Now is the time to declare yourself come forth and join us or die,"
"Draco," Lucius shouted for Draco to come over. Draco hesitated to go and slowly did but when he passed me I grabbed his arm,

"It's not too late to change Draco,"
I looked into his eyes and I saw that he didn't want to go but he went to Voldemort and Voldemort hugged him. Then Neville started limping forward

"Well I must say I hoped for better," Voldemort said and the death eaters started laughing. Neville stopped walking and started speaking
" I'd like to say something, it doesn't matter if Harry's gone,"

"Stand down Neville," Seamus interrupted but Neville kept going
"People die every day friends, family,"
When Neville said that I held Fred's hand and leaned into his arm.

"Yeah we lost Harry tonight but he's still with us in here," Neville pointed at his heart.
"All of them, they didn't die in vein but you will because your wrong Harry's heart did beat for us, for all of us." Neville then pulled out the Gryffindor sword but then Harry dropped out of Hagrid's arms and started running.

"Omg," I said smiling
Draco started running towards us as well,
Draco threw Harry his wand
"Confringo," Harry shot the spell at the snake but it deflected and Voldemort shot fire at Harry but Harry dodged it and we all went back into the castle.

A barrier was put up, we ran back in and started fighting again but then the death eaters disappeared meaning Voldemort was dead. Me and Fred went back into the Great Hall and went to where his family was sitting and sat with them.

Percy turned to our side and is a changed man. I rested my head on Fred's arm and listened to their conversation joining in here and there.

I saw Harry walking through the hall and I decided to join him so I kissed Fred's forehead and said bye to the family and went over to Harry. I put my arm around his shoulder and smiled

"You did it, it's finally over," I said sighing in relief.
"No we did," he said chuckling and agreeing. We met up with Ron and Hermione and decided to walk Hogwarts bridge.
"Why didn't the wand work for Voldemort," I said talking about the elder wand.

Harry explained that it didn't belong to Snape but it was dracos because he disarmed Dumbledore the night he died and Harry disarmed Draco at the manor.

"So that means," Ron said
"It's mine," Harry said
"So what are we going to do ," Ron said
"We?" Hermione said

"I'm just saying that's the elder wand, the most powerful wand in the world ,"
Harry then snapped the wand in half and threw it off the bridge,
"Well that's one way to go about it," I said slightly leaning over the edge watching the wand disappear into the mist.

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now