~Chapter 29~

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Your POV:
We all just finished Defence Against the Dark Arts and as we were leaving Remus told me and Harry to stay back. We ended up getting classes from Remus on how to repel a dementor but it will only start after the holidays.

It was now the trip to Hogsmeade and I was waiting for the Harry to come so we could all go together. I saw Harry trying to sneak out with his invisibility cloak but what gave it away was the footprints being left behind, we thought if I was there it wouldn't be obvious but let's just say it was much more harder to hide his footprints than we thought it would be.

Fred and George grabbed Harry and took him to an empty classroom. I followed behind them and walked over to were Harry was looking at the twins.
"What are you doing!" Harry said

The twins then handed Harry a piece of parchment and Harry gave it to me. I examined it while Fred, Harry and George talked. I faced up to the boys and listened to the boys.

"Your needs are greater than ours, George if you will."
"I solemnly swear I am up to no good."
Then lines came out of George's wand at the end the parchment said
Messers. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to represent 'THE MARAUDER'S MAP'.
I read this out loud to the boys. I felt like I have heard these names before but brushed it of.

"We owe them so much." George said
"Hang on this is Hogwarts." Said Harry after seeing me open the map.
"No is that really" Harry started to say but got cut off by Fred.

"In his studies"
"He does that a lot."
"So you mean this map shows" I started to say but got cut of by Fred

"Everyone." Harry repeated
"Where they are"
"What they are doing"
"Every minute"
"Of everyday."

"Where'd you get it?" I asked
"Nicked it from Filch's office of course!"
"First year!"

Then the twins went over how no one should know about this and to make no one sees what is on the map you have to say 'Mischief Managed!'.
Then the twins left us but I ran after them

" You know that was amazing." I said
"Well love we are brilliant."
"Yeah yeah whatever" I rolled my eyes while tryna hide a smile.
"Um George out of curiosity who do you like?"
George then stopped walking which made me and Fred turn back and look at him.

"No one of course."
"He's lying." Fred sang next to me.
"Well you have to promise to tell no one and especially her."
I agreed to George's terms.

"Well you see I like- I like"
"He likes Angelina." Fred said
"You mean our Angelina!" I said
"Yeah Angelina Johnson, Love."

I put an arm around George and said
"Well Georgie I think you should make a move trust me."
"You know something I don't, don't you Love."
I just giggled and said
"Maybe Freddie."

"I really do feel like I am third wheeling here."
"Oh George don't be silly, Fred doesn't like me like that anyways he has every girl in Hogwarts chasing after him I don't think he would choose me out of all the girls that want to date him if I did I like that is, same goes to you George, well I better get going but it has been great being with you two."

I walked over to Ron and Hermione who haven't noticed me and so I decided to scare them. I creeped behind them and screamed

Ron screamed like a girl and slightly jumped which caused him to slip on the icy part of the pavement. Now this is where my plan went south, because he grabbed Hermione which meant he brought her down with him but Hermione grabbed onto me and brought me down as well. We all laid on the snow and sat up. We turned to one another and started laughing.

Fred's POV:
I watched as (Y/n) walked away from me and George.
"Fred I think your in love mate." George said beside me putting an arm around me.
"I mean you always hold her hand or put an arm around her basically you're always touching her whether it  or do something couples would do."

"I do like her George, a lot actually."
"I love how she can talk with mum and dad easily and how she interacts with you, Ginny and Ron."
"You sound like your in love."
"I think I am."

"Then you should make a move because trust me when I say you are not the only one that has your eyes on her but I can say she loves you back."
"I will but when the time is right." I said watching (Y/n), Ron and Hermione all fall down and then start laughing. God I love her smile.

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now