~Chapter 105~

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Your POV:
We all sat the for a few minutes enjoying what just happened. It was nice to hear the voices of people we loved and to know that they alive and well. We then heard voices outside the tent and they told us to come out.

We took all our stuff and went outside, there were 12 people surrounding us,
"Well hello beautifuls ," a guy said
We all broke out into a sprint and the snatchers were chasing us and firing shots.

We went separate ways and kept running not looking back. I shot a spell behind me and it knocked out the guy. I saw a opening and Harry and Mione were there, Harry turned to me and then Mione and she shot a spell at him so his face swelled up but we were surrounded by snatchers.

I felt someone grab me and everyone was detained by someone. The leader came ,
"What happened to you ugly," he said to Harry "what's your name,"

"Change of plans we're not taking them to the Ministry," the guy said and our surroundings changed to the Malfoy Manor. Bellatrix came and took a hold of me and Harry. She brought us inside while Ron and Mione were taken inside by the snatchers.

We all stood in the manor, Draco and Lucius came down. I was given to Lucius and Harry was on the ground while Bellatrix held his face to Draco to identify. Surprisingly Draco didn't betray us, the snatchers took away our wands, Bellatrix then attacked some of the snatchers and sent Harry and Ron down to the cellars.

"Let's talk girl to girl," Bellatrix said to Mione I stood there will my hands balled up and a wand to my throat. Bellatrix came up to me and caressed my faced. I tried to lean back but she grabbed my face and made me look at her,

"Oh dear niece I'll make sure you'll enjoy the show, a traitor to her own family hanging around with Mudbloods, and traitors should receive front row seats to the best show," Bellatrix sneered
"You aren't my family and you never will be," I said and then spat in her face.

She laughed like a maniac and slapped me across my face. I glared at her while she went to Hermione and pinned her down to the floor. She interrogated Hermione and tortured her by carving the word Mudblood in her arm.

"STOP, let her go she did nothing," I shouted at Bellatrix and struggled to set myself free from the snatchers hands.
"Shut up you foolish girl," Bellatrix shouted and she shot a spell at me, which sent me flying backwards.

I couldn't do anything, I was helpless, I could only watch one of my best friends get tortured in front of me. Hermione passed out from the pain and Bellatrix was now interrogating a goblin.

All of a sudden Ron and Harry ran up and attacked Bellatrix, Lucius and the snatchers that were holding me back. I started running towards Hermione but Bellatrix snatched her up and held a knife to her throat.

"Stop, stop or else she gets it,"
Harry's face returned back to normal and they were gonna put the dark mark on Harry but we heard metal turning. I saw Dobby unscrewing the chandelier and it started falling, Bellatrix let go of Hermione and pushed herself and Hermione away.

I ran over to Draco and fought for our wands, he let go and I returned back to the others. I gave them their wands,
Lucius was gonna attack Harry,
"Stupefy," I said and it sent him flying. We were all cornered with the goblin and Dobby.

"Stupid elf you could have killed me," Bellatrix shouted
"Dobby never meant to kill, Dobby only meant to seriously injure," Dobby said

Narcissa went to attack but Dobby disarmed her.
"How dare you steal a witches wand how dare you defy your masters,"
"Dobby has no masters, Dobby is a free elf and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends."

We all grabbed on to Dobby and was sucked in by the air surrounding us but before that happen I saw Bellatrix throw a knife.

I threw a spell and the surrounding changed. I looked around and saw Dobby was bleeding. I ran over to Dobby to see what has happened to him.
"Dobby, Dobby you're going to be okay," I said

Dobby was cut on his stomach it wasn't fatal but it was deep and it can get fatal if we don't treat it right.
"Dobby I'm going to try something new," I said and Dobby only nodded weakly the rest came over and Harry put Dobby in his arms, I held my wand over the cut and it started glowing green.

Soon the light died out and the cut was all better but Dobby was still weak.
"He should be fine, he just needs to heal on his own," I said. Luna took him with her and she decided to take care of him.

We looked up and saw we were at Bill and Fleur's cottage, we retreated inside. The goblin was upstairs and we needed to talk to him. We went inside his room and he had his eyes closed while sitting on a chair.

"How are you," Harry said
"You probably don't remember me,"
"I showed you to your vault for the first time, even amongst goblins your famous Harry Potter,"

The goblin realised the gryffindor sword was real and and asked how we got it because there's one in Bellatrix volt but the thing is that one was fake. After we visited the goblin, we decided to visit Ollivander.

"Hi Mr Ollivander I was wondering if you could answer a few question of ours," I said with a smile
"Come in child, come in, come in everyone,"
I turned to Harry nodding and he passed two wands to Mr Ollivander. One belonged to Bellatrix and the other was Dracos.

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now