~Chapter 28~

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Your POV:
I woke up to the sunlight hitting my face. I then remembered what happened to last night and saw I had arms wrapped around Fred's neck and he had him arms wrapped around my waist. I tried to get out but I couldn't.

"Five more minutes." Fred said with his morning voice and GOD DAMN can I just say.
"Freddie I need to go to my bed before Ron wakes up and finds us like this." I said which made Fred groan and let go of me.
"Thank you."I said and walked to my bed.

Everyone now woke up and it was now time for Defence Against the Dark Arts. I remembered last night was a full moon meaning that Remus will not be teaching today. Snape walked in closing all the windows so the room is darker.

"Excuse me sir but where is Professor Lupin?" Harry asked Snape.
"That's not really your concern is it Potter, your Professor is incapable to be teaching at the present time, turn to page 394."

"Werewolves?" Ron said
"But sir we just began to learn about.." Hermione started talking next which shock me a bit because she wasn't there before.

"We're not supposed to start nocturnal beasts for weeks." Hermione finished off
"When did she come in, did you see her come in?" Ron asked me and Harry. We replied with a no.

I knew what Snape was doing which made me glare at him the whole lesson. The next day Me, Harry and the whole Gryffindor quidditch team had a match against Hufflepuff. 

Harry and I was in the Great Hall eating breakfast until the team came along. Oliver didn't eat.
"Don't worry Oliver, we don't mind a little bit of rain." I said soothingly. I was lying when I said a bit it was quite a lot.

We were all in the changing room to hear Oliver's speech,
"This is our last chance — my last chance — to win the quidditch cup, we have three excellent chasers." Oliver said points to me, Angelina and Katie.

"Two unbeatable beaters."
"Oh stop it Oliver your making us blush." Fred and George said
"We have a brilliant seeker and me."

After the speech we all went outside and started the game. Katie grabbed the ball and passed it to Angelina who flew to Hufflepuff's keeper and then passed it to me who threw it into one of the hoops. Oliver called for a time out and everyone huddled under an umbrella. We now had 50 points.

"I've got no chance with these on." Harry said waving his glasses at that minute Hermione shouted
"(Y/n/n) you wand, your wand."  I got what she meant and took out my wand that is strapped on my thigh, I learnt from last year to have my wand on me at all times.

I turned to Harry
"Pass me your glasses." Harry then passed me his glasses
"Impervius!" I said which made the glasses waterproof.

Oliver looked as though he could have kissed me. Which made Fred come stand behind me putting an arm around me and pulling me close to him while glaring at Oliver.
"Get your hands off her!" We all heard Ron say from the crowds which made Fred take his arm of me.

We all then went back to the game I scored another one and Katie did as well before me. I saw the black dog sitting outside the pitch and looking at me then at Harry, I then heard screaming which made me turn my attention to were it was coming from and saw Harry falling through the sky. I flew over to him but I was stopped by a dementor and all I remember is people screaming my name.

"Stay away from me." I heard a lady say through a gap of a closet it looks like.
"I don't know who you are talking about and even if I did I would never tell."
The masked people then laughed and green light emitted from one of there wands.

"They look a bit pesky."
"Do you think they will wake up."
"Lucky to be alive."
"You know I can hear you right." I said
"She's right." I heard someone say from my left and saw it was Harry.

"What happened?" Harry asked
"You fell off about fifty feet? And you love fell from about forty five feet." Fred answered
"Who won?" I asked

They all hesitated but Hermione started speaking looking at Harry
"No one blames you Harry the Dementors aren't suppose to come inside the school grounds Dumbledore was furious as soon as he saved the both of you he sent them straight off."

"Umm there's also something else you should both know too when you fell your brooms it sort of flew into the whomping willow and well" Ron said showing us our brooms.
"Where's Oliver?" I said
"Taking a shower but we thinking he is drowning himself." Fred said

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now