~Chapter 62~

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Your POV:
It has been almost a week that I have stayed here. I tried to hear what happens in the meetings that the Order of the Phoenix were having but I just heard mutters. Right now I was in my room playing with Shadow but then I heard a voice I haven't heard in a long time.

I got out of bed and rushed down, Shadow followed behind me. The meeting has ended so that meant that the door was open, I ran in and searched the room for her.

"MINNIE!" I shouted running to her and hugging her.
"Oh it's good see you to dear," she said hugging me back.
"She's been wanting to see you," my dad said
"Minnie you'll side with me when I say that I want to join in the order,"
"I'm sorry dear but no,"

Everyone left which meant it was me, dad, Remus, Tonks and Shadow in the house. Creature was here somewhere but I felt bad for him so I decided to cooked. We all started eating, my dad and Remus were giving each other weird looks.

"Is something wrong, you two?" I said to them both.
"Umm, Moony would like to say something," my dad said.
"Uncle Remus?" I questioned and Tonks gave me a look saying she already knew what was going to happen.
"Well you see, we have guests that will be coming tomorrow and staying with us,"
"That's good," I said
"Yes but don't cause too much mischief with them,"
"Who are they?" I asked
"We can't tell, it's a surprise," Tonks said speaking up.
"And if we do, I think our ear drums will burst," my dad said

(Time skip to tomorrow)

It was now the day the guests were arriving and right now it was the evening. I was getting lunch ready for me, Dad and Remus, Tonks was on a job today. Shadow was sitting on the chair behind me while dad and Remus talked. I heard Remus go somewhere and then lots of voices came. The voices kept coming closer and closer but I was too focused on the food I was cooking.

"Hello Love," one voice said.
I turned back and saw that Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Fred and George were all standing at the door.
"Hey," I said without thinking anything but then I took a double take to see if I saw things right.

I dropped the ladle in the pot and I ran over to them.
"Freddie!" I said jumping into his arms and he caught me. He kissed the side of my face and said
"It's good to see you Love,"
The boys look different since they cut their hair short. I then kissed him and we stopped when we heard a cough behind us.

"If you would happily put my daughter down that would be great," my dad said.
Fred set me down and stood straight, he looked at my dad seriously. I went over to Ginny, George, Ron and Hermione hugging all of them. Mr Weasley, Molly and Remus came to the doorway as well,

"All of you please sit down," Remus said.
Everyone sat down around the table, Molly then came up to me and said
"Oh it's good to see my daughter,"
This made me really happy and I looked over at Fred who was smiling as well.

"I hope everyone is hungry," my dad said
"Yes," Ron said a bit too loud
"(Y/n)'s cooked today," Remus then said
"On second thought I'm fine," Ron said
"Ron don't be rude," Molly said
"Yeah Ron don't be rude," I said sticking my tongue at him.

I set the food down plated in front of everyone and then sat in between Ginny and Fred. We all started eating and everyone enjoyed my cooking,
"So you are the boy that is dating my daughter, what's your name?" My dad said questioning Fred.

"Dad," I said
"No it's all right Love," Fred said
"My name is Fred Weasley,sir"
"What are you going to do in the future?"
"Umm, my mum wants me to work with the ministry but me and George, are going to set up a joke shop," Fred said seriously.

I truly do love Fred and seeing him talk to my father about me seriously just make me fall for him more.
"You're a jokester? Do you know the Marauders?"
"Yes!" Fred said excitingly
"Well I'm Padfoot and Remus over here is Moony oh and Harry's father James is Prongs," my dad said with a proud smile.

Fred and George looked shocked and then turned to me,
"Y- you never told me you dad was a legend, Baby Dragon!" George said looking like he was going to faint.
"Umm surprise," I said doing jazz hands.

"Do you love my daughter, Fred?" My asked
"Yes, I love your daughter and one day I want to marry her." Fred said
I blushed at hearing this and Ginny along with Hermione giggled.

Fred, George and my dad talked about pranks and all that sort. After everyone ate, my dad showed them to their room while I started on washing the dishes. I then felt two strong, familiar arms wrap around my waist, and their head nuzzled into the crook of my neck.

"Freddie that tickles," I said giggling.
Fred then nuzzling his head again but stopped when we heard footsteps. He let go of me stood leaning against the counter, in the doorway appeared Remus and Sirius.

"Padfoot would like to say something," Remus said which made Fred stand up straight.
"Umm, Star you chose the right guy, me and Remus like him and we know that he will protect you," my dad said which made Fred's serious face turn into a smiling one.
After both left us alone and Fred cheered. Then I finished the dishes I went to my bedroom.

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now