~Chapter 75~

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Your POV:
It was now time for us go back to Hogwarts. We were all still in the house trying to sort everything out me, Hermione, Ron and Harry were all walking down but then saw a room with the door open. Me and Harry went in the room without Hermione and Ron knowing,

"Mistress Black and Harry Potter the boy who lived both friends of mudbloods and blood traitors," Kreacher the house elf said
"Kreacher how many times do I have to say," I started saying got cut off by my dad.

"Kreacher! That's enough of your vile away with you,"
"Kreacher lives to serve the noble house of Black,"
"Come on dad don't even harsh with him, he's just been taught the wrong thing," I said watching Kreacher walk away.

"This was my parents house, even though it's Dumdledores headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix." My dad said walking in the room.

I looked around and saw my whole family tree and when I found mum and Dad I saw a branch out of them only to find me.

"This is our family tree isn't it?" I asked
"Yes, my weird cousins, I hated the lot of them, my mother did that after I ran away," my dad said pointing to his picture which was scorched.
"What a charming woman," I muttered

"I was sixteen," my dad said
"Where did you go?" Harry asked next to me.
"Your dads, I was always welcome at the Potters, I see so much in you Harry," my dad said.

Harry then talked to my dad about what he saw that night when Mr Weasley was attack and Harry said he thinks that he is bad. My dad denied this and said goodbye to Harry, Harry walked away leaving me and my dad alone.

"I'm sorry, My beautiful daughter, I couldn't be there for you for your life but I know that Weasley boy will take good care of you and has," my dad said hugging me.

I walked away after and all of us left. Once we arrived at Hogwarts we decided to visit Hagrid apparently he was sent on a mission to meet giants and make them apart of our side instead of Voldemort's.

The day after we were all the breakfast eating and I was reading through the newspaper but then I came across something shocking. Bellatrix had escaped Azkaban, Bellatrix was relate to me in a way since my dad was her cousin but that didn't mean I liked her.

People think my dad helped her escape but I know that is just lies. A couple of days later and it was now time for the first lesson me and Harry will be teaching this year.

We waited for everyone to arrive and once everyone did we told them what we will be doing.
"First everyone please find your own place in the room," I said and everyone spread out in the room.
"Today we will be learning the patronus charm," Harry said which made a lot of people happy.

"Can you give us a demo," a Hufflepuff boy said on the far right of the room.
"Umm yeah sure," I said a bit nervous "Harry you want to go first,"

Harry conjured a full body patronus and it was a stag soon it disappeared which meant it was my turn. I lifted my wand up and thought about when me and Fred got together at the Forbidden Forest. I lifted my wand up and said
"Expecto Patronum!"

A blue light came out of my wand and a vapourous flew out of the light and then flew over to Fred nudging him after it flew around the room and then it disappeared. Everyone was amazed at what just happened.

"Okay now to do this you need to think of a powerful memory," Harry said starting to walked around the room.
"The happiest you can remember allow it to fill you up," I said also walking around the room.

I walked over to Fred and said
"Fred your turn now,"
"Expecto Patronum!" Fred said flicking his wand.

Out of it came a magpie, it flew over to me and nudged me closer to Fred. I giggle at this and Fred smiled, I kissed Fred and said
"Good job,"

I walked away and went to help others.
"A full body patronus is the most difficult to produce," Harry said as we were walking to Ginny.
"But shield forms can be equally defensive and do lots," I said

Ginny then also produced a full body patronus, it was a horse,
"Fantastic Ginny, just remember that your patronus can only protect you as long as you are focused," Harry said

I walked past Hermione and saw that her patronus was an otter. Ron patronus was a dog and Luna's was a rabbit. Soon we had full body patronus' around the room but then the room started to shake.

All the patronus' disappeared and everyone looked at each other confused. Everyone started to walk slowly to the middle of the room were me and Harry were. I felt Fred slip his hand in mine and squeeze it, the lights flickered and a loud booming noise came from outside.

Fred and George held their wands up, the wall then exploded and Fred covered me from the explosion. I looked at him and whispered,
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah you?"
"I'm fine," I said to Fred

I then looked to the exploded wall and saw Toadface, Filch and Draco with his goons, Draco then pulled Cho into frame. She betrayed us,

"Get them!" Umbridge said.
"RUN!" I shouted and everyone decided to run away as quick as they can. It can no luck everyone got caught, me and Harry were in Dumdledores office with the Ministry and Cho.

Dumdledore took the blame for us even though it wasn't his idea. The ministry was going to take Dumdledore to Azkaban but then Fawkes came flying to Dumdledore and they both disappeared with fire.

"You may not like Dumdledore Ministry but he's got style," Kingsley said.
Percy was holding me, Harry and Cho,
"Let go of me you git!" I said to Percy. We were let go and returned back to the common room. Cho tried to talk to us but we just walked away.

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now