~Chapter 18~

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Your POV:
After me and Hermione were done, it will be ready after a fortnight. Later we found out there was a duelling club opening up, we all decided to go to it because it would be interesting to see what we'll be doing. The only problem is that Lockhart is the teacher in charge.

There was a big, long stage for us to duel, one side there was Lockhart and the other there was Snape. They were deciding on the student who will duel each other. Lockhart chose Harry and Snape chose Draco. Harry and Draco both faced each other.

Draco shot a spell at Harry that made him fly backwards and Harry did the same to Draco and Draco went flying backwards. Draco then casted a spell that made a snake shoot out of his wand.

Snape was about to intervene but then Harry started speaking to the snake, which made the snake move back from biting another student. Snape then had enough and disintegrated the snake.

Everyone walked out of the Great Hall after that and me, Hermione, Ron and Harry went to the common room where we questioned Harry.
"You didn't tell us you can speak parseltongue"
We all said to Harry.

"It's were you can speak to snakes." I explained
"But I didn't know I can speak another language,"
"This is bad because Salazar Slytherin spoke parseltongue which is why the symbol of the Slytherin is a Serpent." Hermione said

We were all worried but headed to bed anyways.
It was now time to do the plan. Harry was going to change into Goyle. Ron was going to change into Crabbe . Hermione is going to change into Pansy.

I gave them each their drinks and watched them all run away and into the toilets after they drank the potion. Ron and Harry came out and looked like Crabbe and Goyle but when I went to get Hermione we got the wrong hair, she was now a cat person.

I stayed with Hermione, while Harry and Ron went to get the confession from Draco. I took Hermione to Madam Pomfrey, who helped Hermione.

It has been a few days and Hermione is still in the hospital wing many people tried to see her because they thought she was petrified but Madam Pomfrey put curtains around her bed so no one can see her.

Hermione got out recently and me and her were trying to find stuff about the chamber of secrets and we found out something important to do with the diary Harry has.

We were going to the common room when all of a sudden we saw Ginny come out and then I felt like I couldn't move. I couldn't see anything either, I could just hear stuff.

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now