~Chapter 30~

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Your POV:
We then went to a place where we could see the Shrieking Shack.
"It's suppose to be the most haunted place in Britain." Hermione said
"We know you mentioned it twice Mione."

"Do you want to go a bit closer." Hermione said
"YES!" I replied happily
"NAH!" Ron said to be honest he looked like he was going to piss himself in that moment.

We were then interrupted by Draco and his goons. They kept saying stuff about Ron and Hermione but then a snowball was shot at Draco but the thing was that no one was there.

Then many other snowballs were being shot at Malfoy and his goon and they were getting dragged around. Eventually they all ran off and Me, Hermione and Ron were laughing until our hairs and Ron's hat got lifted into the air.

"Harry." Me and Hermione squealed while laughing, Harry then revealed himself and laughed with us.
"Bloody Hell Harry, that was not funny." Ron said with a serious face.

After we were just roaming around and decided to go to the Three Broomsticks. We chose a table in the corner of the room and Ron decided to get us all our drinks. He then came back and all of us drank a hot butterbeer.

All of a sudden Minnie, Flitwick , Hagrid and Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic. Me, Hermione and Ron forcefully pushed Harry under our table and then I said

Which made a nearby Christmas tree float slightly and land softly by our table.I was listening to their conversation when something really interesting caught my ears, after Madam Rosmerta said that she never thought my dad would be on the dark side.

"You don't know the half of it Rosmerta, the worst he did isn't widely know." Said Fudge
"The worst? Worse than murdering all those poor people, you mean."
"Do you remember who his best friend was?" Minnie now said

"Naturally, never saw one without the other, quite the double act Sirius Black and James Potter." Harry dropped something which made Ron kick him.

"Precisely, Potter and Black were ringleaders of their little group. Both very bright but I don't think we've ever had such a pair of troublemakers." Minnie said
"I think Fred and George Weasley could give'em a run for their money and Harry Potter and (Y/n) Black are quite the duo like their fathers ." Hagrid said

But from their we learnt that my dad betrayed uncle James and that my dad was Harry's Godfather. After that Harry went into the forest and we all followed after him.

"He was their friend! I hope he finds me because when he does I will be ready and I am going to kill him!" Harry screamed I looked down thinking about what just happened.

It didn't make sense why would my dad betray someone he knew for so long. Me, Hermione and Ron went back to Hogwarts while Harry went through the secret passage way to Hogwarts.

The common room was quite busy so I decided to go to my room that I shared with the girls. After everyone went to their rooms and everyone slept except for me. I snuck past the girls and sat on the sofa facing the fireplace. I brang my legs up and rested my chin on them.

I started to think about what happened today. I felt the sofa dip on both sides of me and turned to look who sat next to me and it was Fred and George. I first saw George who sat on my right and then I turned to Fred who sat on my left.

When I looked at Fred he raised his hand and gently caressed my cheek.
"Why are you crying Love?" Fred said pulling me closer to him so my head was on his chest, i didn't even realise I was crying.

"If someone hurt you just tell us and we'll deal with it." George said I laughed at this.
" Thank you Georgie and Freddie but it's just been a rough year, you know with my dad on the loose."

"Well Love we can't leave you here all alone looking sad and crying so how about you join us on the prank we're going to pull on Filch."
"You know what, I would love to join!" I said with a smile.
"Will you look at that, your finally smiling." George said.

We all laughed and made jokes while setting up the prank. The prank is set up in Filch's office. So the prank is that there is a bucket full of slime and when Filch opens the door it will pour on him and he will also stink cause we added dungbombs to the mixture. It's basic but effective.

We all hid and waited for Filch to come. We heard footsteps and saw it was Filch and Mrs Norris. He opened the door and then BAM! All the slime poured over him.

"WEASLEY TWINS!" Filch screamed
Me, George and Fred then ran out of our hiding spot and started running away. Filch was right behind us along with Mrs Norris.
"Come back here you three."

Soon we reached to a three way corridor George ran to the left, while Fred grabbed my hand and ran straight ahead. We then found a cabinet and went in it. It was quite small. Fred looked out and soon as he saw Filch go past us he faced me.

We looked at each other and started laughing then we slowly settled down and realised how close we were. We both started leaning in subconsciously and I could feel Freds breath fan my face. I could feel the butterflies erupting in my stomach.

Then someone open the door and we saw it was George.
"Oh sorry,I didn't know you two were having a moment." George said which made me blush.

"Let's get going before Filch get back." I said
"Yeah." Fred agreed.
We were almost at the Gryffindor tower when we heard a voice behind us.
"The three of you come with me." We turned around and saw it was Minnie. We followed her to her office and waiting for her to speak.

"So what are you doing out of bed after hours."
"Well Minvera it's an really interesting story." George started saying
"So you three definitely didn't just come back from pranking Filch."

"How could you think so low of us Minnie." I said shocked putting a hand on my chest.
"Now look what you've done Minvera, you made
(Y/n/n) upset." George said I put on my best sad face and puppy eyes.

"What am I going to do with you lot, that includes your friends, always causing trouble somewhere."
"Oh don't be like that Minnie, you love us all."
She smiled and then told us to get back to bed and said she shouldn't see us out of bed again.

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now