~Chapter 36~

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Your POV:
As we waited, Harry told us what happened at the forest and he thinks that he saw Uncle James even though he is dead. Then our past selves came out.
"Hermione you see me and Harry talking to my dad there."
"He's asking us to live with him, when we free him I will never have to go back to the Dursley's, it will just be me, him, (Y/n) and Remus." After Harry said that Remus changed into a werewolf.
"Let's go!" I said

We saw that past Harry was going to get killed so Hermione howled. Harry tried to stop her but I stopped him.
"What are you both doing?" Harry said
"Hermione's saving your live." I said
We now saw that Remus werewolf was coming for us .
"Thanks but now he's coming for us." Harry said
"I didn't think that far ahead." Hermione said and we all started running. Remus has caught up to us and was going to attack when Buckbeak came out and saved us. Remus ran away.

"Professor Lupin has had a rough night." Harry said, which I agreed to. We then looked up and saw dementors going somewhere.
"Sirius come on let's go!"Harry said we arrived were past Harry and Dad was. They were dying until Harry stepped out and did the Patronus Charm fully. We flew to Hogwarts after on Buckbeak even though Hermione didn't like it.

We then flew over to were my dad was being held and broke him out. After we flew over were no one will see us.
"I'll be forever grateful to you three for doing this for me." My dad said
Hermione walked over to Buckbeak while I stayed with Harry and my dad.
"I expect your sick of hearing this but you look so much like James but you have your.."
"Mother's eyes." Both my dad and Harry said

My dad then turned to me, he walked over to me and put his hand on my face.
"You look so much like your mother, she would be proud of the girl you have came to be." My dad said "but you have my eyes and the Marauders mischief. Oh and that red head boy better stay away from you!"
"I knew you were padfoot, I'm guessing Uncle Remus is Moony, Uncle James is Prongs and wormtail is Peter." I said and my dad nodded at this.
"The boys name is Fred Weasley." Harry said.
"Harry!" I whined hitting his arm

"You two look after each other, you are brother and sister kind off." Dad said
"Always!" Harry said.
My dad then went to Buckbeak and got on top of him.
"You really are the brightest witch of your age."
My dad said to Hermione. I walked over to Buckbeak and kissed his head.
"Take care Buckbeak, I love you." I said which made Buckbeak nudge to show affection.
"Take care of each other." I said to Buckbeak and dad. We all watched as they flew away.

"We have to go!" Hermione said and we all ran to the Hospital Wing and once we opened the door Ron said
"How can you be there when I was just talking to you three?"
"What is he talking about?" I said
"Honestly Ron how can a person be at two places at one." Harry said
The three is all laughed while Ron was sitting there confused.

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now