~Chapter 54~

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Your POV:
We all have now finished getting ready and it was time to walk out the room and to the Great Hall. When we were walking to the Great Hall, people stared at us the whole time. We got to the corner where if you turn there will be stairs and it leads to the outside of the Great Hall.

Ginny went first and lots of gasps were heard, it was Angelina's turn and the same thing happened, me and Hermione were to scared to go so we decided to play rock, paper, scissors to  decide who will go last.

"Rock, paper, scissors shoot,"
Hermione held out scissors while I held out rock.
"You go first and then I will," I said
"good luck,"

Hermione walked down and everyone was in shock from what I heard. It was now my turn and I was nervous, I walked out from the corner and stood on top of the steps, looking for everyone. I saw Angelina, George, Lee, Katie Bell, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Neville, Ginny and Fred all together watching me.

I smiled at them and then descended down the stairs I heard a lot of whispers saying
"Oh my god,"
"She's beautiful,"
"Is she really (Y/n) Black?' and much other and I can't lie it mad my feel good.

I walked over to them and said
"You lot look amazing,"
"Baby Dragon you are one to talk," Lee said wrapping an arm around Katie
"Let take a group photo on my camera," I said to which ever agreed to. Everyone got together and I set the camera up, I went over to them and stood in between Fred and Ginny.
"Smile everyone," I said and then the picture was taken.

"Oh here you are Potter, Granger go get with your dates the dance is about to begin,"
"I'm sorry what?" Harry said to Minnie confused.
"The champions always dance first," Minnie answer "did I not tell you?"
"No" Harry answered
"Well now you know," Minnie said turning and seeing Ron.
"Mr Weasley you look rather.." 
"Dashing," I said chuckling a bit.

The other champions lined up, Viktor was Hermione's date, Cho was Cedric's date, Fleur was with a Durmstrang man.
"Potter where is your date," Minnie asked as the champions and their dates were the only ones outside now.
"Sorry Minnie, I just had to give Ron my camera," I said standing next to Harry now.

"Oh dear you look just like your mother," Minnie said kissing my head in a mother loving way.
"Thank you,"
It was now time and the Great Hall doors opened.

We all walked in and everyone looked at us clapping. Ron was shocked with Hermione's date, I looked to the side and made eye contact with Fred, I looked away quickly and kept smiling. Then we stood on the dance floor getting ready to dance. Harry took my waist and we danced but Harry did step on my toes five times, then everyone joined in but I was looking for one person in particular, Fred Weasley was no where to be found.

After the song ended me and Harry sat down with Ron. Ron then stood up and came over to me,
"Can you come with me?"
"Yeah sure," I said hesitating.
We both walked out the Great Hall and out of Hogwarts, Ron then put a blindfold on me leading me somewhere,
"Ron if I fall, I will not hesitate to hex you," I said
"Calm down women, I'm helping don't worry,"

"Why are we in the Forbidden Forest?" I said knowing the Forest to well.
"I don't know how you know but yes we are in the Forbidden Forest,"
"Okay when I say take your blindfold off, you take it off."

Ron told me to take the blindfold off and I did, when I opened my eyes I saw I most beautiful thing ever, the floor aluminates a light blue and the was a music player. It looked romantic,
"Before you speak, let me,"

"I am sorry for what I did, I made you choose between me and Fred and both of you chose me instead of your relationship, I realised over the past two months how you two need each other because without one another you two are really depressing. I have noticed that you will be smiling in the day but crying at night most of the time because you miss Fred and when you smile your eyes don't light up the way it did before. If  I'm being honest I was scared of losing you to Fred but then I realised that you are one of my best friends and you will never forget me, so I give you my blessing for your relationship with Fred," Ron said the last part pulling me into a hug.

"As nice as that was Ron, he has moved on,"
"No he hasn't," Ron said walking back to the castle leaving me there.
"Ron why are you leaving me?" I shouted
"Turn around,"
Ron shouted back and I turned around to see the Weasley boy that I fell in love with.

"Hello Love,"
"Hey Freddie, what are you doing here, shouldn't you be with your date," I said as Fred walked up to me and we were in the middle now.
"I would be if I had a date,"

"What are you doing Fred,"
"I came to get the love of my life back,"
I was going to say something but Fred interrupted me saying
"I know you've probably suspected this. But over the last month I've fallen completely in love with you. Now obviously this was going to happen. Because- because you're a goddess. With that face. And that hair. But even if you didn't have a nice face. And even if you had absolutely no hair because of some bizarre medical reason. I'd still adore you. And I- I was wondering whether by any chance you feel the same."

I was speechless on what Fred said, I thought I lost the man I love but there he was standing in front of me pouring his heart out.
"Say something love?"
"Oh Freddie," I said walking to him and kissing him on the lips."
"I love you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you," I said

Fred smiled and pulled me into another kiss but this one lasted longer and was full of love.
Fred then pulled out a ring
"It's a promise ring to promise you all the things I said," Fred got on one knee saying
I gave him my left hand and he put it on my ring finger, he then gave me a ring and I put it on his ring finger.
"I love you, Fred Weasley"
"I love you too, (Y/n) Black"

All of a sudden music started playing and we both slow danced, Fred then brought out my camera and we took pictures together.
"You look beautiful in that dress,"
"You look quite dashing yourself Freddie,"
"Why thank you,"
We then laughed and talked about anything we wanted.

"Our new anniversary is December 26th right?," Fred said to which I nodded at. It past midnight ages ago so technically Christmas was over.
Fred then told me how he set everything up and had help from Ron.

Eventually we went back to Hogwarts but saw a crying Hermione on the steps. Fred went away and I said
"I will see you soon,"
"Bye" he said kissing my head.
I walked over to Hermione and held her,
"It's okay Mione,"
"He's so stupid,"
"I know, but Ron will come around eventually,"

After Hermione calmed down we went to the common room and I stayed with Hermione until she fell asleep. Angelina and Ginny were both sleep as well, I got in my nightwear and went to the boys dorm. I knocked on Fred's door, I heard a 'come in' and went in.
I saw that Fred, George and Lee were still up but they were all in their beds.
"Ahh speak of the devil," Lee said
"Hi to you too Lee,"
I climbed into Fred's bed and talked with them.
Eventually we all fell alseep.

The ring's
(Y/n)'s ring is the small one and Fred's is the wider one.

The ring's (Y/n)'s ring is the small one and Fred's is the wider one

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 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now