~Chapter 37~

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Your POV:
After it was the next day and Remus resigned being a teacher at Hogwarts. I met Harry at the Great Hall door and we went into the hall together.
"Harry, (Y/n) wherever did you get those?"Neville asked us which made us confused.
"Quiet let them through." Ron said " I didn't mean to open them guys it's just they made me do it." Ron said pointing at Fred and George.
"We did not." The twins said together.
"It's two Firebolts." Fred said
"The fastest broom in the world." George said.
"Who sent it?" I said and Hermione lifted up one of Buckbeak's feathers, to which all three of us smiled.

Me and Harry went outside and mounted our new brooms.
"Race yeah?" I said to Harry.
"Your on!"
Flew up into the air and heard cheering behind us, right now Harry was in front of me and when we saw the finish line I boosted forward which made me in front of Harry. That meant I won! As soon as I land cheers broke out.

Apparently the twins made a bet with Lee saying I will win.
"You know Harry for being one of the youngest seek in a century, you're pretty slow." I said
"Well you are one of the youngest chaser ever and I let you win." Harry said
"Yeah sure mate, whatever you say!"
"That's my girl!" Fred said coming next to me wrapping an arm around me.
"She is no one's girl." Ron said removing Fred arm from me.
"I mean he's not wrong."

(Time skip to when you, Harry, Hermione and Ron are on train back to kings cross station.)

We saw a owl pecking at our window and we let it in. It was holding a letter which was addressed to me and Harry. I opened it and read it out loud for the others

"Dear (Y/n) and Harry,
I hope this finds you before you reach Kings Cross station. Buckbeak and I are in hiding. I won't tell you were, in case this owl falls into the wrong hands. I have some doubt about his reliability, but he is the best I could find and he did seem eager for the job.
There is also something else you should know, I was the one that sent the Firebolts to you both. I used Harry's name and put the gold from my own Gringotts to yours and (Y/n)'s vault. Both of you, consider this as a thirteen years old worth of birthday presents from your Dad and Godfather.
I'll write again soon!

I gave Harry the envelope and he got out a permission slip to go to Hogsmeade Village.
"That will be good enough for Dumbledore." Said Harry "hang on there is a P.S"
The ps said that Ron can keep the owl.

Once we reached King cross station and went through the barrier, we said our goodbyes. Hermione was the first one to leave. While Molly, Mr Weasley and Remus were all waiting near the Dursley's. Molly greeted me and Harry with a tight hug.
"I'll call you about the World Cup Harry and I'll owl you (Y/n)." I watched as the Weasley's walk away but then I saw Fred turn back and start walking to me. I walked a few steps in front, to meet Fred.

"You should get going George is waiting for you, along with the rest of your family." I said seeing the Weasley family watching us, waiting for Fred.
"I know but I have to say bye to you properly." Fred said pulling me into a hug. His arms were wrapped around my waist while my arms are around his neck and my face is buried into his chest.
"I see you in the holidays but I'm going to miss you." Fred said
"I'll miss you as well Freddie." We both let go of each other and stood normally. I thought Fred was going to leave but then I felt a kiss a my cheek.


I was screaming on the inside.
"Watch yourself Fred!" I heard Ron say but then it was muffled, I saw George shutting Ron up by covering his mouth up.
"See you around Love." I didn't say anything because I was shocked and I whispered
"See you later Freddie." I turned around and saw Harry was smiling at me.
"Oh shut it!" I said
"What I didn't say anything." Harry said

We both walked over to Remus and the Dursley's. Harry showed them the permission slip and explained to them that my dad was his Godfather.
"Also Harry better be treated well this summer, because his Godfather is my farther which makes me his sister in a way and I wouldn't mind ending up in Azkaban for Harry's sake." I said "Bye Harry see you in the Holidays."
I walked away from the Dursley's, that were shocked and went over to Remus.
"That was quite brilliant of you." Remus said
"Thank you but let's go home I'm exhausted and I'm sure you are too." I said

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now