~Chapter 63~

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Your POV:
I was in my room with Shadow and on my bed writing in my diary. I heard the door open and saw it was Fred coming in and closing my door slowly. I closed my diary and hid it under my bed when Fred was looking away,

"Freddie what are you doing?" I asked
"I wanted to be with you," Fred said coming over to me and laying next to me on my bed. I put myself closer to him and laid my head on his chest while he put an arm around me. His hand drew shapes on my back as we talked,

"I can't wait to marry you," Fred said which made me blush.
"How comes?" I asked
"Well I like being around you and the food you make and I want us to live together one day and I'll come back from working at the joke shop and you'll greet me but that is if your work ends earlier than mine, I also can't wait for us to just be together in our house relaxing on the sofa while we watch movies or us just doing nothing and just relaxing." Fred said
"That sounds perfect," I said kissing him.

Me and Fred were now laying in bed cuddling,
"I love you," Fred said kissing the top of my head.
"I love you too," I said
We then fell asleep, and thankfully no one found out we slept in the same room as Fred would be number one on my dads hit list. Fred got changed and left the room giving me a kiss on the head.

I quickly showered and got ready, I concealed the hickeys that Fred left behind last night and went down to George's and Fred's room. I knocked on the door and went in, I saw Fred on the bed and George asleep somehow. I walked over to Fred and covered his hickeys, it looked like nothing was there and it was water proof just in case.

"You nervous about today?" I asked Fred
"No," Fred said
George and Fred were taking a apparition test today since they are both of age.
"Should I wake George up?" I asked
"Go ahead,"

I walked over to George and grabbed the glass of water next to him, I then proceeded to pour it on his face. George shot up and glared at me saying,
"What is it with you and water woman,"
"Good morning,"

George then got up and got ready while everyone else was eating breakfast. It was now time for Fred, George to leave with their dad to do their test. I walked up to George and said
"I know you will pass, don't worry,"

I then walked over to Fred said
"You'll be fine, good luck,"
"Thanks" Fred said and then I gave him a peck and watched as they left. I went to Buckbeak's room and played with him and Shadow, after I went and hung out with Ginny, Hermione and Ron.

We heard lots of noise downstairs so we decided to see what was going on. George and Fred were back which meant they passed their test or failed. All of us now were in the kitchen waiting for them to tell us,

"WE PASSED," Fred and George shouted happily which made everyone laugh and cheer for them.

After everyone's excitement died down and went back to doing what they were previously doing. I walked up to my room but as soon as I reached my floor Fred appeared in front of me which made me slightly jump and nearly punching him. This resulted in him smiling.

"God I have to get use to that," I sighed chuckling a bit. Fred also laughed and kept walking towards me,
"Your so adorable,"

I felt Fred's soft lips on mine and Fred started walking which caused me to walk backwards but we didn't break our kiss. Eventually my back hit the banister which caused us to break apart.

"I see someone's really happy," I said smiling up at him.
"Of course, I'm gonna take you on a date today so get ready by 4, wear something summer like."

Fred kissed me again and then poof I opened my eyes and he's gone. I quickly rushed to the shower and started to get ready. I kept my makeup simple with just lipgloss, blush, highlighter, eyeliner and concealer. I did my hair half up and half down and decided to wear a summer dress. It was nearly 4 so I decided to make my way downstairs.

"Oh dear you look so beautiful" Molly said coming up to me making me blush.
Dad appeared and had the same look Molly had on her face a proud and in awe expression.
"Thank you" I chuckled
"You ready love" Fred said from behind me. I turned around seeing him wearing a black top with white loose pants.
"Of course Freddie," I said wrapping my hand around his bicep and saying goodbyes to everyone.

In a split second the room changed and we were both outside. I looked around me and saw we were on a hill and there was a picnic in front of me with both and and Fred's favorite snack along with some games like twister and uno ect. Even though it was winter and Christmas time Fred somehow made the area warm probably casting a spell around this area. The sun was setting so it was perfect.

 The sun was setting so it was perfect

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 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now