~Chapter 40~

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Your POV:
We all soon arrived to the lake as it's not far from The Burrow. We all took off our clothes, so now we were in our swimsuits. I put Pika in a pond that is connected to the lake, it was small, so we couldn't lose him. I walked over to Ginny but then I felt myself get picked up and thrown over a shoulder.

"Come on Love, did you really think I forgot what you did to me back at the Burrow."
"Fred, I'm sorry."
"I want revenge!" Fred said walking to the lake with me now in his arms carrying me bridal style. We were passing Bill and I said
"Bill, Bill help me please." I begged
"No can do (Y/n)!"
"Charlie you'll help me right."
"Sorry but this is entertaining."
"I thought be had a bond."
"We do."

"Mione, Gee, George!" I said giving them the puppy eyes.
"You got yourself into this." Hermione sang
"I thought you were my friends!"
I was going to turn to Harry and Ron but they looked away.
"TRAITORS, You hear me, all of you are TRAITORS!"
"We love you too!" Ginny said

Fred then stopped walked and stood up the edge of the pier and I was hovering above the water.
"Freddie I'm sorry, please just let me go, I won't do it again."
Fred just looked at me then said
"I'm sorry but revenge is sweet." And then he threw me into the lake. I held my breath and when I resurfaced I shouted

"I can't swim." I acted like I was drowning and let myself sink. That is until I felt myself being pulled up to the surface. I acted like I was passed out.
"Love wake up, wake up, (Y/n) !" Fred said panicking, holding me in his arms, tapping my face to wake me up.
"Did any of you know that she couldn't swim." George said sounding stressed
"No!" Hermione said sounding panicked

I could hold it anymore, I started laughing which made everyone silent and look at me.
"You should of heard yourselves!" I said laughing. I wrapped my arms around Fred neck and said
"What was that Fred 'revenge is sweet," yeah it sure was!" I said
"Don't ever do that again." Fred said pulling me close to him.
"Fred I'm fine don't worry!" I whispered softly so only we can hear it.
"I know but still"

After me getting scolded by Hermione for doing that, we decided to play Chicken fight.
I was on Fred's shoulder, Ginny was on Harry's shoulder, Hermione was on Ron's shoulder.
George, Charlie and Bill decided to watch and be referring.
"Ready!" Bill shouted
"Set!" Charlie shouted
"GO!" George shouted

Me and Ginny pushed Hermione off of Ron.
"Sorry Mione."
"But the game is the game."
It was now me and Fred vs Ginny and Harry.
"You two aren't going to make it!"Ginny said
and then Harry charged at Fred while Ginny came for me.

Me and Fred pushed them both which made them both fall into the water.
"The winners are (Y/n) and Fred!" Bill announced. We chilled in the lake for a bit until Bill wanted to play 'Marco Polo'
"Who's Marco?" I said
"Charlie!" Bill said.  We all got into our positions and Charlie was in the middle of all of us.
"Polo." Ron said in a high pitch voice
Charlie started moving to Ron side of the lake and Ron swam away quickly. We did this a few times and in the end Bill won.
"It's getting late we should probably go!" Bill said
"Yeah let's get dry off and get into our clothes first though." George said.

We did exactly that after everyone has changed, I went to the pond and got Pika out, he was chasing fish and had a small fish in his mouth.
"You look like you enjoyed yourself Pika!" Charlie said. Which made Pika look up at him and smile with the fish in his mouth still.
Pika then returned to my shoulder and laid there after he ate his fish.

I walked with the girls and we were all ahead of the boys. The sun has set, me and the girls were talking about the stars. Once we got to The Burrow, we decided to take a shower separately. I put Pika in his cage while I waited for who ever was in the shower to come out. After I showered, and changed into pjs, which was shorts and Fred's 'F' Christmas jumper.

Which he gave to me when I asked for a jumper.
I walked downstairs and saw the others outside .  I walked out and stood in between Hermione and Fred.
"What's happening?" I said
"We're deciding on playing hide n seek or quidditch." Hermione said.

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now