~Chapter 89~

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Your POV:
A few days later and Fred, George were opening the shop again which meant it will be really busy. Me, Hermione, Harry, Ron and Ginny were all going to go and help. Once we arrived at the joke shop Hermione and Ginny went to check on the displays and stocks, Harry and Ron went to the back to help with delivery and I was in charge of the till.

We got everything ready and opened the shop, surprisingly it was very busy even though it was very early. An old couple then came up to the counter and started a conversation with me while I got their stuff ready,

"You are just a beautiful girl, do you have a boyfriend?" The old lady asked
"Oh thank you and yes," I said getting shy
"Such a shame I know my grandson would have loved you, your boyfriend is a lucky guy," the old man said

I learned the lady's name was Grace and the man's name was Richard, Fred walked over to us overhearing the conversation,
"I am a very lucky guy," Fred said which made old couple laugh.

"She is really lovely and beautiful, she's a keeper don't let her go," the couple said walking off once I gave them their stuff.
"I won't at least not again," Fred whispered thinking I wouldn't hear it but I did.
"Good now off you go," I said shooing him away.

An hour has past and the business in the shop has slowed down a bit, I was watching everyone since I had nothing to do but then I saw a girl talking to Fred. At first I didn't think much but then I saw the girl practically flinging herself at Fred and Fred was trying to distance himself from her, key word being trying.

I walked over while George took over at the till and watched what was about to happen.
"Hi can I help you?" I said giving the girl a fake smile. Fred looked relieved while the girl shot a dirty look at me,

"No but this guy can," she said pushing herself into Fred more and kept on flirting with him. 
"I'm sorry but this guy has a girlfriend," I said getting annoyed.
"Well i don't see her around and I'm sure he would want to be with me more than that girl," the girl said and now Hermione, Ginny, Harry and Ron have walked into the room and went to George catching up with what's happening.

"Oh this is brilliant," Ginny muttered. Fred was going to say something but I cut him off by saying,
"Listen here bitch that girl you're talking about is me and I would love it if you would remove yourself from my boyfriend and get out of this shop immediately. If you don't I don't have a problem hexing you to oblivion or even dragging you out of this shop myself." I said glaring at the fake plastic bitch in front of me while i started to put my hair up.

The girl looked scared and tried to hide it but we could tell she was, she slightly let go of Fred but still hung on,
"Get out of the shop in three," I said stepping closer
"Two!" I said pulling my sleeves up and she let go of Fred.
"O-," I didn't even finish counting down and she ran out, we all watched the girl run out of the shop and down the street. I walked back to the till, everyone was now facing me as I went back to doing my job.

"What!?" I said finally turning to my friends who was staring at me.
"Nothing just didn't know you had that side of you," George said impressed
"Thanks but I'm not a confrontational person but that girl was hitting on Fred and wasn't getting the hint that he wasn't interested so I had to put her in her place," I said while gently flicking my hair over my shoulder after setting it free again.

Everyone then went away having to finish what they were doing before but Fred came up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I know what your going to say but in my defence..." I paused trying to think of something "I actually have none and I know you could have handled the situation on your own and maybe better" I whispered the last part.
"True I can handle myself but I didn't mind you stepping in fact it was kinda hot," Fred said smirking "In fact I loved every bit of it,".

I smiled and served the last costumer. After we closed the shop and arrived at the Burrow we decided it was best to sleep as it was night and everyone was pretty tried by now.

I changed into shorts and one of Fred's t-shirt, I walked over to Fred's room and knocked on the door. Once I walked in I saw George on his bed and no one else was there,

"Hey," George said
"Hey," I said flopping onto Fred's bed and getting into his covers.
"You know what we should do," I said
"Oh no this is going end to bad," George said
"No no hear me out let's prank Fred," I said

George looked interested in this and said
"Like what kind of prank?"
"Like I don't know, what about...." I said trying to think of a prank.
"About you go missing," George said which made me give George a 'let's be for real' look. "Fine what do you suggest,"

"We can do better how about setting up a series of pranks, like us putting body paint in his soap and then while he's inside the shower we'll soap up the floor so when he steps out he slips then use a fan to blow feathers on him that'll stick to him."

"I'm not going to lie i don't know how you thought of that but that's bloody brilliant," George said "We'll do it tomorrow,"

I nodded and waited for Fred, I heard the door open and saw Bill come in,
"Oh hey (Y/n)," Bill said

"You going to be staying here tonight?"
"Maybe," I said and then the door opened again and Fred walked in.
"Finally," I said dramatically
"Whatever," Fred said shaking his head while smiling and walking over to me to lay in his bed with me.

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now