~Chapter 65~

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Your POV:
It was the day of Harry's hearing and everyone was nervous. Harry left an hour ago and I was pacing in the kitchen,
"Love come sit down, I'm sure he's fine," Fred said patting his lap.

I went over and sat on one of his leg and rested my head on his. Fred put a hand on my thigh and rubbed it.
"I know it's just, he's like my brother,"
"I know Love, I know"
Me and Fred sat there in silence and the Harry walked in the room with everyone following behind him.

Everyone sat down while Harry stood up getting ready to tell the news,
"They let me off," Harry said
"I knew they would," Ron said
Later on in the holiday Hermione and Ron became head prefects of Gryffindor.

"Oh congratulations Ron, everyone has been head boy now," Molly said kissing Ron's cheek.
"What are me and Fred?"
"Next door neighbours?" Fred said finishing the sentence I patted their backs.

That day everyone needed a rest so me and the girls decided to have a spa day. We were getting everything ready but then Ginny came up with a brilliant idea,

"We should drag the boys into our spa day and sleep over in the living room,"
Hermione and I stopped organising everything and looked at her with an evil smile.
"That's a brilliant idea Gee!" Hermione said
"We should probably bring everything to the living room first and then bring the boys," I said.

We all agreed on this and went downstairs with all the covers, blankets and all the other stuff.
"What are you girls doing?" Molly said standing in the doorway of the living room with my dad and Remus.
"We decided to have a spa day in the living room and we're going to drag the boys in as well but don't tell." I said smiling
"Also we thought everyone can do with a little relax day," Hermione said

"Ok just don't do anything reckless," Remus said
"Have you met me Uncle Remus,"
"She is definitely my daughter," my dad said.
After all the adults left, we decided it was time for operation 'get the dogs'. Don't ask about the operation name.

I was going to get the twins while Ginny and Hermione went to get Harry and Ron. We walked up to the third floor, Ginny and Hermione went to the first door on the right while I walked further down and went into the room. I saw Fred and George on George's bed talking about the joke shop,
"Hey," I said walking over to them and sitting in Fred's lap while he kissed me.

"I think you should change this into this because if you do that the potion will turn out wrong," I said pointing at the ingredients for one of the products.
"You are great, Baby Dragon," George said patting my head and then scratching out the mistakes he made. After that I finally decided to ask the question,
"Umm, can I ask you guys a question? I asked
They both nodded,

"Come and join me, Hermione, Ginny, Ron and Harry in a spa day," I said really fast
The twins head shot up and rapidly shook the head declining the offer.

I turned to Fred and worked my charm,
"Freddie, please," I said kissing his cheek and then the neck.
"First of all I am here and second of all Fred it's a trap don't listen to her," George said.
"Freddie please," I whispered in his ear.
I heard Fred take a deep sigh and the say,
"I'm sorry George,"

"Yes thank you Freddie I love you," I said kissing him.
"You're whipped for her," George said disappointed in his brother.
"She is my future wife," Fred said.
I turned to George and gave him the puppy eyes.

"No absolutely not those eyes will not work on me,"
I then pouted and looked like a sad adorable dog,
George sighed and then said
I jumped up and said,
"Thank you," I started walking to the door and said
"Aren't you coming?"

"Oh Love we don't walk anymore," Fred said walking to me. George apparated and then Fred lifted me in his arms like bridal style and then there was a rush of wind and I wrapped my arms around Fred's neck, we then appeared in the living room as Fred carried me to the sofa.

He sat down and I was sitting on his lap looking traumatised,
"I hated that," I said
"You'll get used to it," George said laughing.

I looked around and saw that the others weren't here yet and just then the door opened Hermione and Ginny dragging in a Harry and Ron. I stood up and wobbled a bit but didn't fall thankfully, I walked over to them and said
"I see you've done it,"
"We can see you did it as well," Hermione said
I closed the door behind us so none of the boys will escape.

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now