~Chapter 60~

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Your POV:
It was now the last day and everyone was in the courtyard saying bye. I was standing next to Fred with his hand in mine, I was talking to Angelina, Hermione and Ginny until Krum came and gave Hermione his number.

We all gave Hermione a look which made her blush. We watched as the Durmstrang and Beauxbaton rode away from us. Fred was talking to George and Lee, me and Hermione decided to go to Harry. I got on my tiptoes and pecked Fred,
"I got to go bye,"
"Bye," Fred said pulling me into a kiss.

Me and Hermione were walking to Harry but got Ron with us as well. Once we met Harry we walked down the hall,
"Can't we just have a quiet year at Hogwarts," Ron said smiling.
"No," Hermione and Harry said smiling
"Ahh but I think I don't want a normal year now, it would be quite boring," I said
"Oh well, it gives us memories I guess," Hermione said leaning on me.

"Everything is going to change now isn't it," Hermione said
I wrapped an arm around her and Harry said
"Promise you'll write this summer, all three of you," Hermione said
"I won't, you know I won't," Ron said next to me. Hermione then turned to Harry and said,
"Harry and (Y/n) you will won't you,"
"Yeah every week," Harry said looking at us weirdly which we laughed at.

Everyone was on the train now and our compartment door slid open revealing Draco and his goons. They kept talking rubbish saying stuff about all of us but then they were on the ground in front of our feet.

Fred and George appeared with their wands in their hands. They step on them and walked into our compartment,
"Wondered where these three goons were going?" Fred said kissing my head.
"Interesting effort, who used the Furnunculus Curse?" George said
"Me," Harry said

Then Fred, George, Ron and Harry pushed Draco, Goyle and Crabbe out and closed the door.
"Exploding snap anyone?" Fred questioned
We all sat down and played, after five rounds,
"You gonna tell us who you were blackmailing?" Harry asked.

All year the twins were blackmailing someone and I know.
"We tried asking (Y/n) but she wouldn't budge," Ron said
"That's my girl," Fred said placing a kiss on my cheek.

"We were blackmailing Ludo Bagman, he gave us leprechaun gold for the bet that we won but in the morning it disappeared, we thought is was a accident but turned out it wasn't," George said
"I did tell you boys that Bagman gave we weird vibes and that you shouldn't place a bet with him," I said leaning onto Fred.
"You know when you have a bad vibe about someone it is always true," Ron said which made everyone else agree.

We now arrived at the station and Hermione and Ron struggle to get past Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. Me and Harry nodded to each other,
"Fred, George wait," Harry said.
Me and Harry opened our trunks and pulled out money.
"Have it," we said handing them the money.

Harry handed them the Triwizard Tournament money while I handed them the money that the ministry gave me for the inconvenience of getting into the cemetery.
"Take it Freddie," I said but both of them refused.
"You two are mental!" George said
"We don't want it, we would just put it down the drain and we could use with a few laughs especially in the difficult time that are gonna come up," Harry said

We gave both of them the money in there hands
"Harry, Love"
"Fredrick Gideon Weasley, George Fabien Weasley if you say another word of us taking it back I will not hesitate to hex you both even though I love both of you and I'm pretty sure Harry would be glad to as well!" I said
Fred and George harshly gulped and nodded.

"Good, and don't tell Molly about this" I said smiling, Harry then added
"Buy Ron some new robes saying it came from you ,"
Me and Harry walked over Draco, Goyle and Crabbe with our trunks and heard
"She sounded like our mother for a second Fred,"
"I know,"

Me and Harry looked at each other and laughed. Once everyone was on the platform we were all saying bye. Hermione left and now I saying bye to Harry but the twins came to us,
"Thank you both," they said.
"What both of you boys are doing is great and it's what everyone needs. Me and Harry just wanted to support that." I said and Harry nodded.

Harry walked of to his uncle and George walked over to the Weasley's who were watching me and Fred.
"I'm going to miss you," I said putting my hand on Fred's chest.
"Me too but don't ever use my full name because you sounded like my mum for a second and scared me and George,"
I laughed at this.
We both kissed each other and walked to our family's. I walked over to Remus and hugged him.

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now