~Chapter 13~

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Your POV:
Harry had bars on his window
"Hi Harry," Ron said
"Ron, Fred, George, (Y/n) what are your all doing here?"
"Rescuing you of course," I said
"Now come on get your trunk."

We watch as Harry packed his bag and George handed me a rope with a hook on the end.
I hooked the rope to the bars , when Harry was done packing, Fred said
"Harry you may want to stand back."
"Let's go!"

Fred turned the wheel and started driving away and then the bars were broken off by us. The trunk opened and Harry put his luggage in it. I then opened my door and grabbed Hedwig and went to the back with her, while Harry jumped into the front of the car but his uncle grabbed his leg.
"Fred , drive!"
And Fred started driving which lead to Harry's uncle to fall out of the window and we all bursted out laughing.

"By the way Harry, happy birthday."Me and Ron said at the same time.Soon we arrived at the burrow. When Fred parked let's just say it wasn't the smoothest parking.
"Smooth parking, Fred" I said
"I know and I bet you can't do a better job."

We all got out and tried sneaking back into the house Ron , Fred and George was ahead of us , they stole a pastry from the table and tried to give me and Harry one but we kindly declined.

We were in the living but then Mrs Weasley came down.
"Where have you been!"
All the brothers hid the pastry's behind their backs, while Mrs Weasley complained to them.
"Beds empty! No note!" I looked at the brothers with a 'told you so' look.

"But mum they had bars on his window!"
"You better watch out before I put bars on your window Ronald Weasley!"
"Car gone... could have crashed ...out of my mind worried... did you care? ... never as long as I've lived ... you wait until your farther gets home , we never had trouble like this from Bill or Charlie or Percy ..."

"Perfect Percy," muttered Fred next to me.
"YOU COULD DO WITH TAKING A LEAF OUT OF PERCY'S BOOK" Mrs Weasley yelled pointing a finger at Fred. I slipped my hand into Fred hand giving him a reassuring smile while ignoring the sparks I felt and that fact my heart was running a marathon. I made sure no one could see our hands.Fred squeezed my hand lightly as a way of saying thank you. I tried to control my blush but Fred saw and looked proud.

"Of course I don't blame you Harry or (Y/n)," Mrs Weasley said in a soft voice.
I tried to talk to deny but Mrs Weasley didn't let me and we all walked to the dining table and started eating breakfast.

Me and Fred let go of each other's hands unwilling and my hand felt cold without his touch, I sat opposite of Fred and next to me was Harry then it was Ron. Next to Fred it was George and then Percy who had just come down.

We all started to eat when Ginny came down asking where her jumper was but as soon as she saw Harry she ran away, I kicked Fred and George under the table as they snickered at her and I shot them a glare which made them shut up real quick.

Then Mr Weasley came in saying
"Morning, Weasley's!"
"Morning , Dad," everyone answer except for me and Harry.
"What a night, nine raids, nine!"
"Raids?" Harry questioned next to me.

And Ron explain to Harry what they were, Mr Weasley came and sat in between me and Fred and kissing Mrs Weasley's cheek,
"Right then and who are you two?"
Finally noticing me and Harry.

"Oh sorry sir I'm (Y/n) Black."
"And I'm Harry Potter."
"Ahh I heard a lot about you two from Ron , when did they get here?"
"Well (Y/n) came early in the morning and your sons thought it was a brilliant idea to drag her along and drive your car all the way to Surrey and back!"

Mr Weasley was more proud than upset with the boys and then pretended to scold the boys when Mrs Weasley hit Mr Weasley around the head. I heard a loud screech from outside and saw Errol flying straight into the window.Percy went up to the owl and got the letter and mine and Harry's Hogwarts letters were with them as well.

 (Y/N) Rosalina BlackWhere stories live. Discover now