Who Needs Photo Albums?

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So I haven't updated in quite some time. Sorry. I'm having trouble coming up with ideas, so I'm asking you guys to leave requests on my tumblr, which is unexpected-rebel. I've also found myself distracted with other things. I just have a lot on my mind. And track starts the 23rd. So I hope you enjoy this chapter. I don't know when I'll write the next one. This chapter is pretty long.

Synopsis: Jemma must take care of Sam, Dean, and Cas when a witch turns them into children and they can't remember who they are.


The Bunker

5:07 p.m.

"Will you please let me go with you?" I plead as Dean packs his bag for a hunt.

"Jem, you know I don't want you anywhere near witches. They're too dangerous."

"But what if a witch suddenly appears and starts attacking? How am I supposed to know what to do?" I follow him down the hall.

"You know exactly what to do."

I throw my hands in the air in defeat. "All right, you win, I give up."

Sam calls for Dean to hurry up, and Dean yells back, "I'm coming!"

"Be careful," I say, but he isn't paying attention. "Hey, I said be careful."

"We will, I promise."

The three of them have been gone for two hours, three hours. It usually doesn't take them this long to kill a witch. I'm starting the worry when Cas and Dean walk into the main room, making me jump. "Whoa, easy there," Dean says.

"You scared me. What took you so long?"

"I'll tell you this, the bitch was a fighter."

"Dean, she got away," Cas cuts in.


"It's okay," Dean assures me. "We'll hunt her down again."

"Where's Sam?"

"He got the crap beat out of him, so he hit the sack early. And so did I, so, goodnight." Dean plants a kiss on my forehead and limps a little as he walks to his bedroom.

"Are you okay, Cas?" I ask and turn around to face him.

"I'm fine, but I'm going to turn in too."

"Angels don't sleep. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, this witch was just very hard to beat, and we didn't even beat her."

"Okay, goodnight."

I wake up early the next morning. I make myself breakfast and sit down to watch Good Morning America. " 'Scuse me?" I turn in the direction of the small voice. "Where am I?" The little boy asks. He has black hair that sticks out everywhere and blue eyes. He wears a tan trench coat with a suit and blue tie underneath. Cas's clothes. And it's weird, because he looks exactly like Cas. Then it dawns on me: the witch put a spell on him.

"Hi, my name is Jemma. Do you remember me?" I walk closer to him.

Cas shakes his head.

"What's the last thing you remember?" I ask him.

"I remember...nothing. Wait, I remember Sam and Dean. Where are they?"

"Do you want to check on them?"

Little Cas nods and slowly puts his hand in mine. We walk to Sam's bedroom and quietly open the door. He is asleep, but Dean has his arms wrapped around him. And they are both children too. He recognizes Cas, but glares at me. "Who are you?" He asks sharply.

From The Mind Of Jemma WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now