Home Is Where The Heart Is

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This is a continuation of the last chapter. I do not own any characters except for Jemma. All rights go to the CW.


One Week Later 

11:28 a.m.

        Sam slams the trunk door down of the rental car. We are stopped outside of a gas station in Lawrence, Kansas, the childhood home of Sam and Dean. "Why do you think he's here, again?" I ask when we are back on the road.

        "Dean always said he wanted to go back to where it all started; home," Sam says, staring straight ahead. Sam is still doubting that we will find Dean.

        "You know we're going to find him, right? I mean, Cas is looking, Garth is looking, practically every hunter who knows about the Mark is looking for him." Sam just nods and continues staring out the window.

        "We're here," Sam says about a half an hour later. A new, two-story house replaces the one that burned down all those years ago. Sam steps out of the car and takes a deep breath.

        "You okay?" I ask as I stand next to him.

        "I'm fine." Liar.

        "So, what do we do now?" Just then, a blood curdling scream emits from the house. Sam and I sprint up to the door and break it open. 

        "You have your angel blade?" Sam asks. 

        I nod and follow him to the source of the scream. A young woman, about late 20s, has her back against a wall, her arms shield her face and she falls to the ground, sobbing. Dean stands over her, the First Blade in hand. Blood stains his clothes. "Please don't hurt them!" The woman pleads, referring to the wailing baby boy and the crying little girl huddled in the corner of the kitchen.

        "Dean!" Sam yells. Dean turns, and immediately, his expression softens. "Dean, whatever you're about to do, don't do it."

        "I have to, Sammy," Dean protests, his face hardening again.

        "You don't have to do anything," Sam says as he lunges at Dean, tackling him to the ground. "Jemma! Take them and run!" 

        "Don't you dare!" Dean yells as he struggles to loosen Sam's grip on him.

        I turn and scowl at him. "These are innocent people and I will protect them." I pull the mother to her feet and try to take the baby from the girl's arms, but she shelters him away from me. "It's okay, I won't hurt him. If we don't hurry, your brother and mom could be in danger." She hesitates, nods, and hands me the boy. Her mother lifts her up and runs out the door, I follow closely behind. 

        "Thank you so much," the mother sobs.

        "What happened?" I ask as I sit on the hood of the car with the baby.

        "I don't know. I was in the kitchen making dinner with my husband and Skylar and Delilah, and the next thing I know...he showed up and killed my husband and started to attack me."

        "I'm sorry about your husband, but I have to go back in there. Stay in the car, and no matter what, do not get out." I run back inside and find Sam slumped up against a wall, unconscious. Dean stands and stares out the kitchen window, the blade still in his hand. "Dad?" He turns and starts to attack me. I throw one of my hands to the side to try and throw him off, but he keeps walking toward me. "Dad-" He grabs my neck and slams me against the wall.

From The Mind Of Jemma WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now