Alone Again

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Ok, so this part will be based on the season 10 mid season finale and predictions I have.  Spoilers for the season 10 mid season finale. This chapter is really short. I do not own any characters except for Jemma. All rights go to the CW. Enjoy.


The Bunker

6:03 a.m.

        I roll over in my bed and slap the alarm. It has been a week since Dean disappeared again. That's weird, there is no smell coming from the kitchen. Sam usually makes breakfast every morning. I walk out into the main room and find Sam standing at the top of the stairs, dufflebags hanging from his shoulders and hands. 


        Sam whirls around and sighs. "Jemma, what are you doing up?"

        "Where are you going?"

        "Jemma, I-"

        "You're leaving again, aren't you?" I say as I start to climb the stairs up to him. 

        Sam pauses. "Yes. I'm going-"


        "Jemma, I'm just trying to find Dean!"

        "I know, but that's not the problem!"

        "What's your problem, then?"

        "You're leaving, again! Without so much as a note! You're leaving me alone, again!"

        Sam stares for a moment, shaping words with his mouth, but no words come out. "Jemma, I'm sorry."

        "You're always sorry, Sam. You were sorry when you left me after Dad went to Purgatory. You were sorry when you left to find Dad when he was a demon. When will you actually be sincere when you apologize?" Tears stream down my cheeks.

        "I-I'm sorry" Sam stutters.

        "Sure you are, Sam." I turn and run down the stairs. I hear Sam's footsteps following.

        "Jemma, I said I was sorry." I keep on walking. "Jemma, please." Sam lifts me clear off the ground and hugs me close to his chest, my cheek smushed against his shoulder. 

        "Sam-" I begin.

        "No, let me talk," he starts. "I'm sorry I left you alone in that cabin for a year by yourself with nothing but a couple credit cards. I just needed to be alone. I'm sorry I left you alone when I was looking for Dean. He's my brother and I just wanted to find him and bring him home and make him better. But I promise, and I truly mean it this time, I will never leave you alone again, ever."

        "Oh, Sam, I forgive you." I wriggle my arms out of his grasp and wrap them around his neck. And I know this time he means it. He feels happy, relived, guilty, but also scared, and upset.

        "Okay, here's what we're going to do," Sam says, putting me back on the ground. "You and me are going to find Dean, bring him home, and cure him, together."

        "What about Cas and Claire? What're they going to do while we're gone?" I ask.

        "They can stay here and work on research."

        "But Claire-"

        "It's okay, we'll figure it out."

        "How long will we be gone?"

        Sam sighs. "I don't know." Another emotion radiates off of Sam. Doubt.

        "Don't worry, we'll find Dad. We'll cure him. After all, nothing is so broken that it can't be fixed."

From The Mind Of Jemma WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now