Sammy Saves The Day

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Hey guys. This chapter might be short, I hope. I haven't actually written the chapter yet. I got the idea from Tumblr. I do not own any of the characters, except for Jemma. All rights go to the CW. Enjoy. -captain221b


The Bunker

9:48 a.m.

        Sam and I are sitting at the table doing research while Dean is at the store. This week, we're hunting a vampire nest. "I'll be right back," I say as I stand and leave the table.

        "Where you going?" Sam asks.



        "You asked."

        "You got me there."

        As I wash my hands, I feel a trickle in my underwear. "Oh, no," I mutter. I check to see if it's true. It is. "No, no, no no no no no. This can't be happening." Needless to say, I am freaking out. A realization occurs to me. I don't have any supplies. "Alright, calm down, Sam can get some, I'll be fine." I leave the bathroom and stand across the table from Sam.

        Sam finally looks up from the paper he's reading. "Jemma, is something wrong?" 

        "Um, yeah, actually. But don't worry, I'm fine," I say, sliding my hands in my jean pockets.

        "You're doing it."

        "Doing what?"

        "Your hands are in your pockets. You only put your hands in your pocket when you're nervous or withholding information. So which one is it?"

        "Well, I guess both. Just let me finish."

        "Okay. What's wrong?"

        "Well, I' my...period." I suck in my cheeks. We both stare at each other for what seems like awhile. "And I need you to...get me...some-"



        "Sure. I bought Jess's tampons back in college."

        "Really? Thank you so much!" I reach across the table and throw my arms around his neck. He stands and grabs his wallet and heads out the door.

        "One more thing; pads or tampons?"

        "Pads please," I say as I slide back into my chair. "Wait! One more request."

        Sam turns around. "Chocolate?"

        "No, but that would be appreciated too. Please don't tell Dad."

        "Your secret is safe with me."

        "Thank you."

        "I'll be back."

        "Stay safe!" I yell as he closes the door.


        "I'm back," Sam yells from the landing.

        "I'm here," I say, still staring down at the book. A car door slams shut outside.

From The Mind Of Jemma WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now