First Date Gone Wrong

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I'm back, finally. Sorry for not uploading in almost a month. Enjoy. I do not own any of the characters, all rights go to the CW. I only own Jemma.


October 31, 2014

Hershey, PA

12:17 p.m.

It is another regular case, on Halloween. Trick-or-treaters bodies being found by the hour strung in trees. A wendigo, probably. Sam, Dean, Cas and I are leaning on the Impala outside a grocery store. "Wait here, we're going to get some stuff," Dean says. Him, Sam, and Cas walk away into the store. I scan my surroundings and take a few steps off the Impala. Someone crashes into me, dropping their book.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I say as I stoop down to pick up the book. Whoa, he's cute, I think to myself.

"You're sorry? I'm the one that ran into you."

I laugh nervously and look up at the boy. Light brown hair, hazel eyes, at least 5 foot 7. "I know, I was just...saying..." I trail off and laugh nervously again. "I'm Jemma."


"Nice to meet you." There's an awkward silence.

"Listen, there's a concert in the park tonight, do you want to come?"

Uh oh, he's asking me out. Dad's gonna freak. Sam's gonna freak. Hell, Cas is even gonna freak. "Uh, sure. I mean, I'll have to ask my dad first, but okay."

"Cool. There's an alley next to the park, we can meet there at 8. Sound good?" Dillon's voice sounds like the rain, a crackling campfire, and ocean waves mixed together into some heavenly sound.


I catch a glimpse of Dad marching toward us. "Gotta go, see you later," I say quickly as I lightly shove Dillon in the direction he was going.

"Who the hell was that?" Dean asks.

"Just a passer-by, looking for directions."

"Seemed like he was looking for a lot more than directions." I feel my face heating up. "Ha ha, made you blush."

"Oh, shut up," I say as I slide into the backseat of the Impala with Cas.

"Jemma, who was that?" Sam and Cas ask in almost perfect unison.

"No one, just a passer-by who just so happened to run into me."

I see Dean wink at Sam in the rear view mirror. "Dad," I say, embarrassed.


7:38 p.m.


"No, you can't go," Dean says as he places the stack of papers on the table.

"It's just a little walk outside, I'll be gone for, like, a half an hour," I argue.

"Will you be on a walk, or will you be out with that kid you were talking to at the grocery store?"

I stare at the ground as my face turns red. "That's what I thought. Now you're staying here and helping us, end of discussion."

"You said so yourself that I need to be more experienced in the field, so this'll be a test run."

He bangs his fist on the table. "Dammit, I said no, Jemma, and no means no. You are staying here, where you're safe, and where we can protect you." We stare at each other for a few moments, and then I come up with a plan."

From The Mind Of Jemma WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now