The Boy, the Girl, and Her Overprotective Family Part 3

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Okay, so I want to clear some things up before you start reading this chapter. First of all, this story follows the actual story line of Supernatural. Second of all, I'm going to pretend the mid season finale has not happened yet for the sake of the next two chapters. Anyway, this is the final part of this little series, but is obviously not the last time we will be seeing Wyatt and Lily. I will bring them back at some point.


TW: None! (At least none that I can think of. I really don't know what to put in here. I really need to know because I don't want to trigger anyone).

The next day

Today is the day.

Groggy and bleary-eyed, I walk to Wyatt's room. As I open the door, he stops writing on a piece of paper at the desk and smiles at me. "What're you writing?" I ask.

"Nothing, I was just making a list," he answers.

"A list of what?"

He hesitates, glances back down at the paper, then up at me. "A... list of stuff Lily and I need to get from our house back in Indianapolis."

Thanks to my empath powers, I can tell he's lying, but I decide to let it slide. "What time will your uncle be here?" I ask.

"He said about three o'clock, so we have eight hours together."

"Let's go eat breakfast."

We walk side by side down the hall. Wyatt brushes his fingers against mine, and I grab them, not wasting a single moment together. The eight hours standing between us and his depature will not be wasted. I let go of his hand as we enter the kitchen, and he sticks his tongue out at me before Dad can see him. "Morning, Sunshine," Dad says, glancing up from his coffee. When he looks at Wyatt, his smile falters a little, but it remains on his lips.

I stand on my toes to reach the cereal on the top shelf, but Wyatt reaches over me and grabs it, then hands it to me. "Thanks."

"My pleasure."

I turn to pour it into a bowl sitting on the table, and find Dad watching Wyatt like a hawk. I step in front of his line of sight, blocking Wyatt from his view, and ask, "So, what do you have planned today?"

Dad glances up at me, clearly showing that he knows what I just did, but says, "Actually, I need your help with something. Baby's engine has been making some weird noises lately, and I need you to help me fix her."

My heart sinks in my chest. Less time with Wyatt. I know Dad is purposely trying to keep me away from him. "Why can't Sam help you?" I ask.

"He's not feeling too great." Liar.

"He seemed fine yesterday," I press, trying to get myself out of this.

Dad shrugs. "The immune system is an unpredictable thing, Jemma."

"What about Cas?"

"He's got better things to do. Please, Sunshine, help out your old man," he says, putting on an innocent face.

"Alright, alright, I'll help you with the car."

"Alright. Finish up your breakfast, get dressed, and meet me in the garage," Dad says, drumming his hands on the table. He stands and leaves, taking his coffee with him. Wyatt slides onto the bench next to me, and sighs, trying to get my attention.

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